
It is very disheartening… It breaks my heart a lot of the time… But, remember that discourage is what the devil wants us to feel, we have to have courage. Not, that I don’t feel the way you feel. I have been pretty down this holiday… I have gone all over the place looking for an Advent wreath (I have the candles) and I can’t find one. Tv, movies, I don’t know why I even watch them anymore… We are looked at as being the “bad guys” who aren’t openminded or tolerant. I pray for our world.I remember when I was in grade school, we had a Christmas pagent in school. We had angels. We had wise men singing we three kings, Imagine, Christmas songs in a public school with catholic and protestant kids alike singing the same songs. If anyone didn’t want to participate they wern’t forced to. Now the kids that want to participate in such celebrations are forced NOT to by laws enacted to protect the VAST MINORITY. Stores start selling Christmas before halloween. No wonder our kids are becoming more secular.
We have come so far with technology and all the supposed better things in our lives that we seem to have misplaced the will to stand up for the truly important.
Maybe I’m just getting old but I look around and am so saddened by the disgusting tv shows, the garbage in the movies, the lack of respect that seems to have taken over.
Something’s got to change.