I was raised very strong Catholic by my parents, no Catholic schooling; taught that the one true church was the Catholic Church and she was/is protected from error by the Holy Spirit. I misunderstood this to mean that the church/church leaders were perfect, not really, I knew that they were mere men and still sinned, I just expected that they would be a lot less sinful than some have been. In High school I took a middle ages history class that had a lot of church history which made the Catholic Church and church leaders to look very evil to me. I couldn’t reconcile how the Catholic church could be the true church and it’s leaders to have been so evil. After that I basically became agnostic for 3 or 4 years. I was never really sure what I believed, but I still had the fear of Hell if God did exist and I was wrong. I decided to pray about it, figuring if God was real He’d lead me to the truth, and if He wasn’t, nothing would happen. I thought that since it was the middle ages that had caused me to doubt in the first place I would re-study them. I went to the library and found a book on Church history. As I was reading this book, I came to realize that although some church leaders had done things that I consider to be evil, the Church never taught these things. This is what started bringing me back to believe in God, Jesus, and His Church.
I now consider this time of doubting to have been a great grace given to me by God. A few years later I met my husband to be. He was raised very conservative Church of Christ, and had a lot of anti-Catholic beliefs. If I had not already reconciled how the Church can be protected by the Holy Spirit from teaching errors, while still having leaders that aren’t always the most Christ-like, I would have easily been led away by my then boyfriend’s arguments against the Catholic church. As it was, I still had a lot of studying to do, both Bible and Church History, ECF and such, so I would know that I was submitting to Christ and His Church, and not a ‘man made church’ as many call it.