Welcome “home” and we’re proud your here !! God Bless, MemawFirst of all, I love this question. Secondly, I get this question a great deal from my devout Southern Baptist family members. (I was baptized into a Southern Baptist fundamentalist church) Although, I never quite felt comfortable there.
I converted to Catholicism after visiting numerous churches during a trip to Ireland several years ago. In Galway, I experienced an overwhelming emotional reaction to the statute of the Holy Mother. Most of which, I cannot explain. All I know is the feeling was the most powerful spiritual energy I had ever felt in my life. It took me days after to fully feel “myself” again. I am not sure where this falls in the list, I just know this experience was life-changing.
Shortly afterward, I entered RCIA and began to truly learn the history and background of the Catholic Church. The Mass, the rituals, the Holy Days, the true relationship to Christ, that all go back centuries were comforting and uplifting to me. I always wondered who made up the protestant religions and how was it possible that someone could just randomly decide “this is how it should be”.
I actually enjoy the participation in Mass, rather than being “preached to”. it has been such a magnificent journey and I finally feel I am home. Again, I am not sure where it all falls in your categories, I just know this is why I am Catholic and proud to be so!