How so? How can you demonstrate that a deity exists? Everyone that is not religious and the scientific community has yet to do this it seems. There’s also a $1M prize from James Randy for anyone that can do this.This is demonstratively false.
Wrong, I positively assert that there is no demonstration of the supernatural, deities, ghosts, goblins, etc. Reference my meteor example from before. There could actually be a meteor coming to strike our planet right now. This is actually possible since we can demonstrate that meteors actually do exist and that they can and do strike planets. However, until we can actually detect this particular meteor, we are not justified in actually believing this is the case, but we have an internally logically consistent reason to conclude that this is an idea we need to investigate.You assert positively that there is no God, claiming we cannot test for God.
Once we actually can demonstrate something about reality, that is when we are justified in updating our internal model of reality because we checked it against reality and actually found what we were looking for. If reality has not demonstrated that idea yet, then we are justified in looking for that idea, but not to update our internal model of reality yet.