My computer can do that.You ask them to describe the reality that they are detecting, like heat, sight, sound, picture of a painting, etc and then they describe that experience to you.
It is not conscious.
My computer can do that.You ask them to describe the reality that they are detecting, like heat, sight, sound, picture of a painting, etc and then they describe that experience to you.
You cannot demonstrate consciousness, yet you believe in that.Faith is the excuse you use for holding a position when reality has not demonstrated that is even an option to accept.
So you are taking evidence and concluding something that cannot be proven in our reality?So I conclude she loves me for this action she took.
I think you completely missed my point, but I’ll address yours on two levels.So you want to know about self awareness, self identity then, correct?
Every animal has the ability to detect its environment. With an (name removed by moderator)ut of data from the environment, you’ll need a processing device to react to that (name removed by moderator)ut, ie a consciousness process of the brain. Otherwise what’s the point of detecting the environment if you can’t do anything with that data. The more complex a brain, the more complex a the process of consciousness becomes and thus why we have self identity because of just how complex our brains have developed for reacting to the environment. We can create language to communicate to each other, just like lower levels of organisms use chemicals to communicate to each other or light patterns to communicate, but vocal language uses less energy for communication than the amount of energy to create chemical excretions or bioluminescence, for example. We’re all just a very complex higher functioning animal that can interact with each other based on (name removed by moderator)ut we detect about our environment.
Love is a term we use to describe someone’s actions towards us in relation to what puts us in a loving state of mind. Love is a state of mind just like anger, confusion, happy, sad, depressed, etc. I’ve communicated enough to her so that she understands what she needs to do to keep me in a loving state of mind, like hard work at her career, sharing our daily chores and responsibilities towards each other, etc. That is part of reality. What makes you think its not? We can demonstrate that the brain is in different states under different emotions and these states can be chemically induced or chemically changed with drugs or visual and audio and textual feedback.So you are taking evidence and concluding something that cannot be proven in our reality?
Yes I can. She tell’s me she’s in a loving state of mind and I accept because her actions reflect that as well. Same way we express every other state of mind, verbal ques and actions.You cannot know at all what she feels.
Okay, sorry but you’re just wrong here. Our labels and corresponding actions of whatever emotional state we are in is what we use to communicate that to each other. We all seem to experience these emotional states, as well as animals too. Then, once we were able to perform brain scans, we were able to map these brain states and verify that these brain states are universal to people regardless of culture and race. Just like how we all experience hunger and we all communicate the idea of “hunger” universally the same way, regardless of culture, race, sex, etc.There is no test in our reality that would tell us what emotions are at play.
Sorry but just a cursory google search will educate you on this topic. Just google, “brain scans that indicate emotional states”. Your inability to google seems to be a problem here.Yet continue to use words and phrases that indicate yourself to have a great deal of belief in things that cannot be tested.
This brings up another problem with your materialistic view of reality. If the complex biochemical entity you refer to as your ‘spouse’ is nothing more than an agglomeration of molecules in a specific location in space and time then to claim you ‘love’ your spouse and that your spouse loves you reduces to a claim that the biochemical activity that occurs within your skin somehow reacts physiologically to the biochemical activity occurring in your spouse’s skin.I can demonstrate that I can take (name removed by moderator)ut from reality, process it, and come up with an action to respond to that (name removed by moderator)ut from reality. Such as observing my spouse working hard all week. I’ll process that in relation to what I understand about identities of love, caring, etc. and see where that (name removed by moderator)ut falls into those ideas. That hard work action I observed, as I understand it, falls under one of the identities of her caring for us. So I conclude she loves me for this action she took.
You seem to have a different understanding of consciousness than what I am talking about because I don’t believe what I’ve communicated about what I understand consciousness to be all that hard to understand. So can you tell me what you think consciousness is so I can see what you are talking about instead of this disagreement you have about my position on it.
No, consciousness is our ability to react to (name removed by moderator)ut from the environment, not the ability to detect it. Our sensory functions is our ability to detect the environment, but we still need a way to process this (name removed by moderator)ut and do something with it. That process is what I am calling consciousness.First, that consciousness just is the ability to detect the environment.
Yes it’s also the same thing that highly trained musicians to when they become “experts” on their instruments. They play it soo well and often, that the processes for playing the instrument are practiced soo well that the pathways for accessing the information for playing the instrument become unconscious. But at the beginning, those pathways are as weak as anything else we are trying to learn.Another point regarding this first response is that high level athletes work very hard to nullify conscious thought by training their neuro-muscular systems to react automatically to a wide range of possibilities, thus removing from their response times the need for conscious interference.
I’m responding as I see the question being asked and what I believe is being addressed. If you think I went a wrong way with it, then give me more feedback for what you are asking about. That’s called having a conversation. Sorry but don’t care that I missed the point you were asking for the first go around. I answered the questions as I saw they were being asked. If you don’t like the response, then you’ll have to give a follow up for what you think I missed. Don’t care that this bothers you, but it’s conversation 101. I can only respond with what I understand is being asked.Second, you seem to have a penchant for not actually considering points made but, instead, redefine the concept in your own terms to explain it away rather than deal with the point being made.
Okay so you are talking about the biological being that is able to not only detect the external environment but detect its own thought process as well. The ability to self review the software for processing (name removed by moderator)ut and coming to conclusions for moving forward then? Just seems like a higher functioning process that I’ve been talking about so far to me. Just like how microorganisms communicates through chemical signals in their environment, their level of consciousness is not advanced enough to self review their biological processing software the way that higher primates can. The ability to be conscious of the unconscious decision process that the brain does, just like how a beginner pianist is conscious of their piano practice and the master pianist is playing at an unconscious level. The level of biochemical pathways for the expert level are soo advanced that the brain functions for performing that skill are subconscious.I was speaking of my own personal experience as a conscious being, where I, as conscious subject, am the loci of my own consciousness here and now.
Ask your parents why. Ask a biologist How.I am me here and now. Why?
Does understanding how a car works diminish it’s importance to your life? I don’t see why the two are related. One is about how something works so that you have an understanding of reality, the other is how important something is to the betterment of your life. Completely separate issues.Kind of hollows out the notion of what ‘love’ actually is, no?
Not a problem for me. Knowing how my partner is built and what it takes to maintain their psychological and physical health is important to me because that is also a way you show that you love someone. I can understand what it takes to maintain their fundamental needs because I understand what actions create serotonin levels for her. That’s the How. As to the Who, it’s their own version of that biological creature with its own attributes of software that makes them a Who for me. Everyone has the same basic biological software, but its adaptive to their experiences and environment and genetics.WHO do you love is more accurately rendered as WHAT, since WHO is a mere chimera or illusion.
We are social creatures who have evolved a powerful desire to care for our fellow tribe. We’ve evolved beyond being individual reptiles to a biological hive, like a bee colony. We go insane when we don’t have socialization. We are not biologically adapted to be in isolation. That’s just evolutionary drivers. Knowing that truth of reality does not diminish the idea of loving each other, to me, at all.Assuming you have an answer to why they ought to be kept ticking in the first place.
Our actions is what we demonstrate as what we value. Its not any more complicated than that. We need to eat, so we hunt and gather food. We need to procreate, so we look for partners. We need safety from the environment and are social creatures, so we treat our partners with respect so they can have a safe predictive environment with reduced stress levels, etc. All this has a natural explanation. Even if it doesn’t have an explanation that we have discovered yet, the true response is still, “We don’t know”. You are not allowed to just invent a magical realm with magical beings to solve all your unknown problems in this reality because you can not demonstrate that your imagined idea is actually part of reality at all.It isn’t an obvious task since you would need to explain why some complex biochemical processes ought to be valued and sustained while others need not be.
Every biological creature is not a self perpetuating machine. It needs energy from an external source to maintain its existence. Advanced social creatures also need community because the group has become a hive that is interdependent upon the other, much like organs are interdependent upon each other for survival. Without socialization, these creatures will go insane.Do you accept that a cat depends on realities outside of itself for its existence?
This demonstrates that you haven’t come close to even grasping the point.HarryStotle:![]()
Ask your parents why. Ask a biologist How.I am me here and now. Why?
Here you are jumping beyond what is demonstrable.HarryStotle:![]()
No, consciousness is our ability to react to (name removed by moderator)ut from the environment, not the ability to detect it.First, that consciousness just is the ability to detect the environment.