Except if you read the story and think about it, Adam and Eve had full possession of the truth and full knowledge of objective reality, which is why they had free reign to name the animals – they knew intimately and completely what each was and therefore had the capacity to name them.
We’ll have to agree to disagree here. I don’t take this from the textual reading at all. Naming an animal has nothing to do with objective truth and full knowledge at all. I can name my cat a blablablala for example, have it put in the dictionary as that, still has nothing to do at all with any link to morality or truth.
That determination isn’t up to mere “textual reading.” If it were, then Joe Blow’s reading of Scripture would be as valid as that of the most brilliant Scripture scholar. Merely because you wish to put your spin on the narrative does not mean that spin was what the author(s) of Genesis intended.
Naming in ancient Hebrew and middle Eastern texts was reserved to those in position of author(ity). Authority, essentially was author’s rights over that which is named. This is why parents name their children.
In Genesis, God was/is the author of creation, but he delegated authority over the animals to Adam and Eve by having them name the animals. He wouldn’t have done that if they didn’t have the wherewithal to care for their well-being, i.e., knew fully what care of animals entailed.
That, however, is only a side point. God, in Judeo-Christian and classical theism is the Pure Act of Being Itself (Actus Purus). Being is the source of all truth, the truth in effect is the correspondence of a proposition to what is. Or as Aristotle stated, loosely translated, to say of a thing that is that it is is to tell the truth.
Adam and Eve in the Garden didn’t have a relationship with some superior being named God, they had a pristine relationship with Being Itself, the ground and source of all being. In classical theism truth, goodness and beauty are the great transcendentals. At the most basic ground, each of these are transposable with each other: truth just is goodness which just is beauty, because each reflect being – that which is. Adam and Eve had intimate knowledge of the complete truth because they were in a pristine relationship with Being Itself at the core of their own being.
To want to know anything other than that is to no longer want to know the truth – that which is, but to will to determine truth for oneself.
Your reading of Genesis just doesn’t hold up but, of course, you are entirely free to believe what you want as a descendent of Eve following her example regarding what “knowing” means.