Oh it’s an empty room? Well you didn’t have the desire to meet or see Jenny then right. That’s your fault for experiencing an empty room. It’s not the fault of Jenny for not revealing herself to you in the empty room right?
Wrong, it just means Jenny is not in that room right now, but she will undoubtedly be back. however I would probably go look for Jenny, go meet her. We don’t play the fault game. Nor should you.
Any claim about reality is a scientific claim because that’s what science is. Its the application of our logic to explore justified conclusions made in reference to reality.
I am a scientist. You say you ran experiments. And you got a null response. You did not get a yes response, you did not get a negative response, you just got silence.
How many times did you run your experiment, what was your methodology.
We don’t just run one experiment. Sometimes it takes years to get a result with experimentation. WE have to change our methodology.
There is a saying, if you keep doing the same thing and getting the same result, but expecting a different result or hoping for one, its time to change your methodology.
You prayed once, only once. How many times did you have to get in a car and learn to drive the thing before you actually could? How many times did you try to get up as a baby, when learning to walk, before you could actually walk.
What man on the road to Damascus and what deity are you referring to. Were you on the road to Damascus?
I challenge you to keep praying to God. You won’t be publicly performing my social religious customs because you don’t know them.
You will be doing something for yourself, no doubt at this point, thinking you will be proving yourself right and those with faith, wrong. But thats a great start.
You don’t know my cultural traditions, I don’t know yours. I am not recruiting you, what are you afraid of? being recruited by a cult?
God is recruiting you …And God always gets His man, or woman.