Why are you Catholic?

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I read Paul Key’s book Ninty-Five Reasons for Becoming or Remaining Catholic . How many reasons can we come up with? Please just list the reason. We can make explanations on other threads. Thanks
I haven’t read Key’s book – it sounds interesting. I probably have all the obvious reasons:

It’s the church Jesus started!

It’s the only place I can receive Him body, blood, soul and divinity in the intimate act of Holy Communion.

It’s the only place I can adore Him and pray with Him in the reserved Blessed Sacrament.

It’s the only church that has the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth!
The simple answer: I am Catholic because the Catholic Church is by far the most spiritually, Biblically, and historically accurate- The pillar and fountain of truth. The full answer would take me forever to type. 😉
I was Catholic when I was young because my parents raised me in the Catholic faith. I’m a Catholic now because I found reasons for my faith through research and prayer. Everything that was said above applies to me also!
Well, SwissGuard said it about as well as it can be said!!! 👍
I was Catholic when I was young because my parents raised me in the Catholic faith. I’m a Catholic now because I found reasons for my faith through research and prayer. Everything that was said above applies to me also!
I read Paul Key’s book Ninty-Five Reasons for Becoming or Remaining Catholic . How many reasons can we come up with? Please just list the reason. We can make explanations on other threads. Thanks
What other church is there but the catholic church!
I believe I was led by the Holy Spirit to the Catholic Church.

My grandmother’s prayers! I’m one of six children w/ a Protestant mother and a fallen away Catholic father. I happened to share the same b-day as my “Nana” and she zeroed in on me…thank you Nana!
I read Paul Key’s book Ninty-Five Reasons for Becoming or Remaining Catholic . How many reasons can we come up with? Please just list the reason. We can make explanations on other threads. Thanks
One of the main reasons for remaining a Catholic is Transubstantiation, (MASS) Consecration : there is no other church that truly has the body of Jesus present, body soul and devinity, Jesus remains a prisoner for us night and day.
And futher more no other church to my knowledge believes that the Host is the body and blood of Jesus, so it’s the MASS that makes us unique.
I’m as they say,a cradle Catholic, taught my faith by a Protestant mother by the way, my mother converted to the Catholic faith, and she used to say to me"son I was the two faiths and the Catholic faith is the true faith".
So thanks mum hope you are in HEAVEN God BLESS.:blessyou:

Because to become Catholic is to truly submit to the authority of Christ, not to one’s own interpretive powers or some human-created system.
Because it is a rich faith and when I say rich I mean it has the fullness of truth.
I think it was Voltaire who, after having abandoned the Church in favor of agnositicism, was asked what other religion he had joined.

He responded, “I have lost my faith, not my reason!”

As was said earlier in this thread, “Because it is true.”

Joe Prioli
I have studied alternatives and they have all come up short.

The Catholic faith is like those pictures that were popular a few years ago, where all you can see is dots, until to really concentrate on it, and then you see in 3D the actual picture. It is like a big ahhhh, I see it now.
I’m a Catholic because I am not very intelligent.
By that I don’t mean to imply that one must be a dope to be a Catholic. What I am saying is that I have read works by some very intelligent people who are Catholic and some very intelligent people who are not Catholic. Now if these guys can’t figure this thing out what’s a guy like me, who has only an average IQ to do?
The problem is God seems to have implanted in me belief in Him. With my limited intellect I reasoned that if he wants me to know him,he would have established a Church that I would be able to trust. (so far he has not spoken to me directly).
The Catholic Church seems to be the only place which has any reasonable claim to infaillability. Thus I am Catholic. If anyone were to convince me that the Catholic has no infaillability I would become agnostic because there would be no sure way to know what to believe. I would have to rely on my intellect alone and I couldn’t trust that. :yawn: Sorry to bore you.
Because Jesus started the church and I cannot go against him…
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