Cause it’s where I met God.
a convert
a convert
You explanation was actually very intelligent.I’m a Catholic because I am not very intelligent…
Move over brother - How blessed I am to have brothers and sisters in the catholic faith -Thank You -Thank You -Thank YouSince it’s all due to grace, you’d have to ask God.
I certainly can’t figure out why a sinner like me get’s to be part of this awesome family.
For the same reason Chesterton became a Catholic.I read Paul Key’s book Ninty-Five Reasons for Becoming or Remaining Catholic . How many reasons can we come up with? Please just list the reason. We can make explanations on other threads. Thanks
geocities.com/junmeskie/150Reasons.htmlThe real answer is grace.
My intellectual reason Christopher stole. To me there is no other reason to be Catholic except that it IS true. If you don’t believe the Church IS what it says it is, I don’t see much of a reason to remain Catholic.
Now what drew me back home to Catholicism?
The Eucharist. I yearn for it still as I type these words …
Dave Armstrong has 150 reasons on his site somewhere. If someone would link that, I would appreciate it.