Why are you Catholic?

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The real answer is grace.

My intellectual reason Christopher stole. To me there is no other reason to be Catholic except that it IS true. If you don’t believe the Church IS what it says it is, I don’t see much of a reason to remain Catholic.

Now what drew me back home to Catholicism?

The Eucharist. I yearn for it still as I type these words …

Dave Armstrong has 150 reasons on his site somewhere. If someone would link that, I would appreciate it.
Being a convert, I usually get the question “why did you pick the Catholic Church?” to which I say “It is the only Church that was started by God Himself. The rest were founded by men.” I kinda always knew there was only one Church, and it was the Catholic Church. Perhaps this was a grace, I don’t know. I was of the un-churched variety of convert and knew about the other churches from studying history at school. I never looked into any other place when I felt the need to join the Church. I knew they weren’t “real.” Now when I look into what others preach and believe, I have a hard time understanding why folks fall for such bunk. I think it was G.K. Chesterton who said: “If you don’t believe in something, you’ll fall for anything!” I guess that explains it. LOL.

Peace and all good,

As a revert what brought me back to the Church?

The Eucharist and Matthew 16:18, …and my church will withstand the gates of hell.
The Catholic Church makes some bold claims for itself. These claims are either true or they are not. If they are true, obedience to Christ demands I be Catholic. I have come to believe the claims are true - therefore I am a Catholic.

God bless, DeaKen
Poisson said:
I’m a Catholic because I am not very intelligent…
You explanation was actually very intelligent. 👍 As far as I’m concerned, you’re at least more intelligent than all the protestants out there. 😉 (All in good fun ‘seperated brethren’, all in good fun)

I am Catholic because Karl Keating came to me in a dream…or was it the Lion King? Anyway, it all seemed profoundly true. 😃 nyuk…

because it is true.
Since it’s all due to grace, you’d have to ask God.

I certainly can’t figure out why a sinner like me get’s to be part of this awesome family.
Because the Catholic Church is the Fullness of the Truth.
Having said that everthing else has to have partial truth which implies that they have some false.

I know that everytime I take communion that I am blessed by the whole truth. It humbles me that even I can be loved so dearly by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

It is the only Church that can be traced (Scriptually) right to the hand of Christ himself.

I love this Church…Scandle and all…
I heard once “That which does not kill you makes you stronger” well folks…looking at my calender… 2004 years and it still is alive!!

I am Catholic because I believe this is the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church founded by Christ – The only Church against which the gates of Hell shall never prevail, The Church with which Christ will remain until the end of time. Furthermore, no other church offers my such abundant grace and blessing as the Catholic Church offers in the sacraments.
Since it’s all due to grace, you’d have to ask God.

I certainly can’t figure out why a sinner like me get’s to be part of this awesome family.
Move over brother - How blessed I am to have brothers and sisters in the catholic faith -Thank You -Thank You -Thank You
Because it is the one, holy, apostolic church founded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You might as well ask me why I’m human and not a rose bush.
  1. The Sacraments.
  2. Tradition.
  3. Teaching that is inerrant, by God’s order.
  4. Strength in the face of the ill winds that blow all around it (and within it).
  5. The example of my parents, and their parents before them.
  6. The God-given intellect that enables me to seek truth – and find it in the many places Our Lord has left it.
  7. Counter-examples provided by Martin Luther and other heretics.
  8. Consistency in the liturgy, whether I attend Mass in this country or another.
  9. Apologists such as Sheen, Chesterton, Keating and others who bravely stand up against those who would seek to destroy or weaken the Church and counter those foes with intelligence, logic, wit and Scriptural evidence.
  10. Because Christ said so. “Upon this Rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall never prevail against it.” “Those whose sins you forgive, are forgiven. Those whose sins are held bound, are held bound.”
I read Paul Key’s book Ninty-Five Reasons for Becoming or Remaining Catholic . How many reasons can we come up with? Please just list the reason. We can make explanations on other threads. Thanks
For the same reason Chesterton became a Catholic.
Because of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit They gave us this place of worship out of Their love for us.
I am a Catholic because it is the One, Holy and Apostolic Church, started by Jesus Christ. My Catholic faith satisfies every spiritual need and all of my senses. We have insence (smell), chanting & beautiful hymns (hearing), Rosary beads (touch), Holy Eucharist (taste), beautiful paintings & statutes (sight). We have the Communion of Saints.

We have, most importantly, the real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

We also have the guidance of the Holy Father to keep our souls right with God. We have Confession, which ensures that our sins are forgiven.

Why would anyone want to be anything else?http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif
It is the Truth

Jesus prayed in John 17 that we may be one as he & the Father are one.

If it weren’t for the catholic church that Jesus founded there wouldn’t BE a Bible. History would be different, we would be different (if we would be ourselves at all).

The Sacraments
The real answer is grace.

My intellectual reason Christopher stole. To me there is no other reason to be Catholic except that it IS true. If you don’t believe the Church IS what it says it is, I don’t see much of a reason to remain Catholic.

Now what drew me back home to Catholicism?

The Eucharist. I yearn for it still as I type these words …

Dave Armstrong has 150 reasons on his site somewhere. If someone would link that, I would appreciate it.
Gods peace be with you Theophilus.

I am RC because of a Baptist preacher, thats right a Baptist preacher. When he preached he condridicted past sermons, the Bible and other ‘doktors’ in the church and vice versa. It was a religious free for all and no solid truth - period.

I decided to read Holy Scripture and see what it said. Not to read what I wanted to see but what it said to see. This is what I discovered:

Jesus founded 1 Church.
Jesus taught unity.
Jesus gave it authority.
Jesus gave us commandments to follow.
Only one Church followed Scripture, the Catholic Church (the RCC is a part of it)

I studied history and the Church “FATHERS” and found out the Catholic Church is the only origional Church and is the ONLY Church that teaches today what Jesus taught 2,000 years ago.

All the “FATHERS” were Catholic.

All heresies burned out, except for Luthers which is is total ruin.

And etc…

A prisoner of Christ

PS, I cried when I found the truth, not because I was wrong but because I hated the ‘Roman’ Catholic Church. My wife still cries because of her bigot reletives that give her no peace over my reconciliation with Christ and His body, His Church. Even our good (Baptist) friends thought of us a leper’s and turned their “Christian” backs to us. How many leper’s did Jesus turn His back to? Now my wife is slowly ‘seeing’ the truth too. Praise God! I only wish I had seen the truth earlier but protestant lies are sometimes well written and hard to get out of. Thanks to Jesus Christ my personnal Lord and savior I came out clean. Ashamed of my past but clean and willing to help others out of their cults like my old ones. Denomination does matter!
The apostolic teaching authority of the Church and the Chair of Peter can absolutely be relied upon to convey by the Holy Spirit all that is necessary for salvation. Why go anywhere that offers less?
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