The Sacremants, especially the Eucharist
My wife and I are both cradle Catholics, but when we were bringing our kids into the Church in the 1970’s, the abuses of Vatican II drove us out.
We never looked for another religion, and never denied our Catholicity. We just felt the Church had pulled the rug out from under us.
Despite this, WE WERE ALWAYS CATHOLICS. When asked at the hospital or the Army, we always wrote “Catholic” on the forms because we KNEW the Church had the truth. The problem was that we were young and although I had been catechized by good, holy nuns (BVM),* I had never internalized the Truth of the Faith.*
Then, one day, my wife was channel surfing and happened across a little old nun dressed like the ones who taught us (guess who) talking about the faith.
We were now mature enough, and realized that there were many others like us.
Since then, we’ve rediscovered the orthodox (true) Catholic Church and learned so much from EWTN, Catholic Answers, reading, reading, reading and reading that it’s as if the Truth that is the Catholoic Church was lying dormant within us all those years and is now blossoming.
We didn’t need convincing, but if we had, a big part of the argument would be the Catechism of the Catholic Church. That outstanding document lays out the truths that have been believed by Catholics since Jesus and gives us the guidence of the Church. How blessed we are to have it.
Also, reading the Church Fathers shows that the Church has been the same from the beginning until now. THAT demonstrates the truth of the faith.
I’ll repeat…The Eucharist…Jesus Christ Himself coming to us. The love and humility, if we can but learn from Him, can teach us how to gain eternal life. What a gift!
We all have a lifetime of learning to do because we can never plumb the depth of the faith that the Church contains. Every new discovery is a treasure.
Si comprehendis non es Deus.
God bless, everybody