Lufty, it’s true that Pope Benedict is not guilty… as for the priests, the percentage of priests involved in the abuse is as much, if not less, than in other areas of society - other churches, public schools, etc.
It is true that the abuse is horrible though, and can the Church do more? sure! you might be interested in reading this article about how Pope Benedict met with abuse victims recently:
dont let this discourage you from joining Christ’s Church. Join it for Him, not for the Bishops or the priests. Also, for every bad priest, there are at least 10 great ones… I’ve met some really holy priests. And maybe this scandal will be an occasion for the Church to be purified.
God bless
Right! And don’t forget too that in pointing out that the incidence of abuse by priests is ‘less’ than in other areas, we aren’t trying to say that the abuse is ‘acceptable’ or to down play it in any way. We’re not trying to say, "others abuse so it’s okay’. All we are trying to do is erase a false impression that many have that the abuse by priests is something that ONLY happens in the Catholic Church, or that the abuse is somehow ‘greater’ than abuse of a child by a parent, or by a ‘minister’, or by a teacher.
The point is not about the guilt of the given abuser. All who abuse children are guilty of grave sin.
The point is, or should be, that child abuse crosses all ‘lines’ and should be fought
whether the abuser is a Catholic priest, or NOT a Catholic priest.
So remember, the person who doesn’t seem to be screaming “crucify him” along with the rest of the slavering hordes isn’t necessarily CONDONING the abuse, but rather, trying to “broaden” the mistakenly narrow focus of the MSM who seem to be preaching that "priests abuse children because they’re forced into celibacy, and the Church is ‘covering it up’ out of vanity and pride alone’. . .into a more truthful picture.
Which would be “People abuse children not because they are enforced celibates, but because they choose to abuse. In fact, the majority of abusers are MARRIED MEN, not enforced celibates.”
and "Abuse was ‘covered up’ not only by the Church, but by virtually all segments of society, because it was felt at the time to be better for the victim’s sake. If that is wrong, well, so was the MEDICAL PROFESSION in claiming that abuse could be cured and that a second chance without ‘foreknowledge’ was both medically APPROPRIATE AND LEGALLY ACCEPTABLE. . .and again, not just in the Catholic Church.
Any abuse coverups after that (and there are some sadly) show not that the CHURCH is wrong (for the Church always has taught that abuse is wrong) but that some in the Church, even when given correct knowledge and specific instructions, have chosen to defy them. And should be dealt with.
But because the Church is an institution which preaches not only justice but MERCY (which few people will want to extend to penitent pedophiles but ORDER us to give to UNREPENTENT abortionists, to the extent that they will not even deem abortion a CRIME). . .the Church does not act as ‘swiftly’ or as ‘vindictively’ as those who deem themselves mere secular instruments of JUSTICE. Provided that secular laws are met (if they are just laws) one should not demand that the Church act ‘more swiftly.’ If a man has already been sentenced to prison then the Church will consider further punishments as necessary but it is hardly ‘just’ to insist say that the minute a man is found guilty of abuse that he be (at the same INSTANT!) excommunicated, laicized, and in essence treated as though he could NEVER be forgiven. The media doesn’t seem to demand this treatment of any one else, nor does it even demand it in the case of those priests found guility of crimes like forgery or theft.
And --how strange!–it does not demand that the minister or rabbi found guilty be treated by their ‘denominations’ with the same sort of ‘anathemas’ and the same 'speed. Why is that I wonder?