So who is doing the “gushing” about influence?
Whether or not you choose to “join” makes no difference to me. Nor does it answer the fact that by permitting Hume’s influence, rather than his lack of compelling argument, to make you question your arbitrary acceptance of Hume’s views on causality at the same time as you want to insist – inconsistently, as it turns out – on a strict set of rigorous causal demonstrations coming from the ID camp, makes your position capricious and arbitrary.
Hume gets the bye because he is “very influential,” but, I suppose – and here is where you are consistent – IDers don’t get the bye because they are not.
So, “influence” is the standard by which arguments are accepted or rejected?
So who is really into the “pop stuff?”
The one who drones on about “influence” or the one who does the hard work of making the logical points?
Yes, I know, you won’t argue the matter because… well… “pop stuff” and all that.
Don’t know what those two posts are supposed to be about. Seemed to be personal stuff rather than substantive but that’s the best I could make out.Now it’s being “logical” and not “influence” that counts? Nothing like picking and choosing your major.
Hume merely has to be “influential,” but IDers are required to be logically impeccable.
And Feser can still be safely ignored – no matter the quality of his arguments – because he will never be as “influential” as Hume, as far as you can foresee in your crystal ball. I see.
Didn’t I already address where IDers haven’t even made “any arguments” a few posts ago – a point which you promptly ignored – that Meyer uses abductive reasoning in the same way that Darwin did to make an inference to the best explanation?
Oh, yes…
Meyer is not “influential” in the same way that Darwin has been. Different strokes per different folks. I see.
You are correct that the “discussion” would be fruitless, which is why I have no desire for one.
But pointing out the deep inconsistencies of your rhetoric, well…
…we all have to be held to minimal standards lest we become “influential” beyond merit.