We read the scriptures as a community. And that’s messy. We depend on scholars and theologians to help us with that. The Church allows us freedom to read scripture and take it’s Truth into our hearts as individuals. But that freedom is not the same thing as license.
Respectfully opinion only.
Finding a wise

saying opinion only…
Our Heavenly Father has a long long history of choosing those in whom were thought of as being insignificant to… accomplish the impossible…
Many Men/Woman, Apostles unlearned in the written word or some never even heard of Our Heavenly Father when he choose them?.
Our Heavenly Father Spoke…Spoken still continues to do so does he not? Our Heavenly Father… all in whom he has chosen,. filling them … I will place my spirit within them?.
.Those within he had chosen to serve him he filled … with divine knowledge, understanding giving them the tools needed to accomplish their task mission give and to spread… his Spoken Word?..

Our Heavenly Father did not sit down first… and… right long letters sending them out first… to those he chose … Men/Woman …in serving him?
Written…You do not ask me, seek me, nor knock at my door…So he must be able to hear our prayers and answer us? Why prayer if he cannot hear?
Jesus tells us let your ears hear, right?
Was Jesus telling us it is not what we read, but what we hear?
One does not need to be a scholar or theologian do we to know him?
What is written in scripture seems to teach us other wise?
I choose whom and I Will and I give mercy to whom I give mercy, is this not written?
Jesus tells us with St Peter…You did not learn that from me Peter, but from my Father…NT St Peter was a fishermen who could not read or write?
Those he choose where not highly educated in the law nor served within the Temple nor were they scribes ( teachers, yet Jesus gives theses scribes all his Woes, rebukes them harshly, why?
Just ponder
Question is…Was it our Heavenly Father who …condone /commanded this…or those saying he did… to justify their own.self interest and… inhuman atrocities??
Peace toward

Interesting topic but in fairness all has to be looked at not just one verse to fully comprehend what is taking place and before this occur so much more also?