Why Did God Create Gays?

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Unless we are perfect in our own lives, which I certainly am not, God alone has the right to judge us. Too many assumptions are being made about other people on these threads. Surely we should each mind our own business instead of presuming to pass judgement upon how other consenting adults conduct their private lives.
That is your view, Dear Emily, and I will not compel you to adopt mine, nor could I. lol

I think we need to speak up sometimes when we see someone doing something wrong because it is for their own good, and it is indeed an act of charity to do so.

I’m a sinner as everyone else is, but I do call my sins sins. It’s a bad way to go when we deny that we are sinning and adamantly stick to a course. That can be quite dangerous to our souls.

Merry Christmas, Emily!! and all you other CAF folks in E-land. (or is it iLand)
I think we need to speak up sometimes when we see someone doing something wrong because it is for their own good, and it is indeed an act of charity to do so.
our souls.
Thanks for friendly post - nice of you.
With respect, there is no way we can know or see:blush: what people do in their sexual interactions, so unless they tell us (bit unlikely) how can we assume there is “sin”?

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas and wish you happiness in 2015 🙂
Thanks for friendly post - nice of you.
With respect, there is no way we can know or see:blush: what people do in their sexual interactions, so unless they tell us (bit unlikely) how can we assume there is “sin”?

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas and wish you happiness in 2015 🙂
There is no way I can know or see whether a host has been consecrated in the Mass, but I can still believe it is the Eucharist.

You are correct that sin is a matter of conscience, and the state of one’s soul is a matter between them, their confessor, and God, but your conclusion is way off base that since something is supposedly private, it cannot be judged or governed or sinful.

The Church has clear teachings on what is and is not sin. This is derived from Natural and Divine Law, that is “written and engraved in the soul of each and every man, because it is human reason ordaining him to do good and forbidding him to sin”. The position you espouse is the heresy of relativism, or modernism, that nothing can be spoken of in absolutes, that there can be no eternal truths. Through revelation to mankind, God has made his law and commandments abundantly clear. He has given us every tool to judge for ourselves whether an action is right or wrong. He has given us the guidance of the Church to interpret for us the law, and to govern us according to it.

You might be aware that our Holy Father once said, “Who am I to judge?” Of course, this is out-of-context. Francis elaborated that this hypothetical judgement should not be passed as long as a person is of good will, and seeks God with an honest heart. The Holy Father admonishes sinners daily, if you follow his words closely, you will see that he never fails to call out bad behavior, bad attitudes, evil doings, injustice and hatred. In his Petrine ministry, he has been entrusted with the Keys of the Kingdom, and that is the power to teach and judge. To people who listen to his words every day, Francis might seem mighty judgemental, and it creates some cognitive dissonance if you do not understand the context of his most famous remark. But he is exercising the power of the Church, and setting an example for all of us, because as Christians, we have all been entrusted with the Law, and we all have a right and responsibility to admonish sinners, and fraternally correct those who go astray.

If I see my brother walk into the street in front of oncoming traffic, I immediately make a judgement and pull him back to safety. I do not stop to think that maybe he made a private decision and that’s between him and God, I act to save his life. The same goes with sin: if we see someone doing wrong, especially out of ignorance, we are morally obligated to correct that person and ensure that his spiritual life is saved. This is an even graver responsibility than pulling my brother out of the road, because at issue is salvation and eternal life.

Everyone is entitled to privacy and confidential matters of the marriage bed do not need to be aired in public. However, I think as Christians we should hold each other accountable. It is not imprudent to have a trusted friend of the same sex in whom we confide about matters of the flesh. It is a touchy subject, so mutual trust should be established, and all care must be taken to avoid bragging and gossip and encouragement of sin. But we have to be accountable in these large matters. Sins must be confessed, and so ultimately your only confidant may be a confessor. But it is wise to have a spiritual director, and good friends whom you also trust.

Even matters which we think are private have a way of slipping out. My partner brags or gossips, I have a moment of imprudence and say something I shouldn’t, whatever happens and suddenly a sin we thought was private is made known. Sometimes something we think is private and secret is nevertheless betrayed by our words or actions. What of it then? If I come to know of a private, embarrassing sin, direct admonishment may not be the right course of action. Perhaps prayer is the only way. Or subtly dropping hints, steering the subject to a suitable matter so we have an excuse to speak out against the sin without identifying and betraying the sinner, per se.

But I digress. The judgement of actions and the admonishment of sinners are both very important obligations to a Christian, and anyone calling himself Catholic should seriously consider whether he has lived up to the responsibility given to us by Christ’s death and resurrection, and our participation in it through out baptism.
Thanks for friendly post - nice of you.
With respect, there is no way we can know or see:blush: what people do in their sexual interactions, so unless they tell us (bit unlikely) how can we assume there is “sin”?

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas and wish you happiness in 2015 🙂
I think we can safely concur that a homosexual couple, living together, are not enjoying normal sexual relations. Assuming they are not practicing Catholics, we would have no business at all imposing our concept of sin and judgement upon them.

However, from a public health stand point, we, and society as a whole, has every right and obligation to pass serious judgement on their sexual activities.
I think we can safely concur that a homosexual couple, living together, are not enjoying normal sexual relations. Assuming they are not practicing Catholics, we would have no business at all imposing our concept of sin and judgement upon them.
We have a responsibility as Christians to admonish the sinner. This is not just a responsibility to admonish Christians or Catholics, it is a responsibility to admonish EVERYONE.
Do we also have to be non judgemental about those who throw out falsehoods about LGBTQ individuals? :mad:
Maybe you need to read a few more threads on this subject, and you will be sadly shocked.😊
Homosexual behavior spreads disease, it damages and destroys the body, heart and soul. God and Christ denounce it. That’s all I need to know.
Do we also have to be non judgemental about those who throw out falsehoods about LGBTQ individuals? :mad:
I think we should be very judgmental about what is right and what is wrong. Specially when an immortal soul may be in danger.

I tend to be very judgmental about anyone who supports and promotes the LGBTQ lifestyle.
I think we can safely concur that a homosexual couple, living together, are not enjoying normal sexual relations. Assuming they are not practicing Catholics, we would have no business at all imposing our concept of sin and judgement upon them.

However, from a public health stand point, we, and society as a whole, has every right and obligation to pass serious judgement on their sexual activities.
bold: So you only “impose” the Catholic concept on sin and judgment with Catholic homosexuals …
bold: So you only “impose” the Catholic concept on sin and judgment with Catholic homosexuals …

What makes you think non-Catholic homosexuals would accept our religious impositions?

For all homosexuals, I would urge the state to stop granting benefits or status that make such behavior appear more socially acceptable.

What makes you think non-Catholic homosexuals would accept our religious impositions?

For all homosexuals, I would urge the state to stop granting benefits or status that make such behavior appear more socially acceptable.
Unfortunately the state cannot deny status or benefits to another culture based on our religious beliefs. Or perhaps it is fortunate because that means gay rights campaigners cannot deny status and benefits to Catholics based on their homosexual beliefs either.

I guess good old fashioned evangelism is all we have left. Perhaps that’s all we should be concerned with. All this legal action talk might be more of a hinder than a help.

Are you still at it? :banghead: 🍿 :rolleyes:
Yes, I guess he is. We have been over it before on other threads…and he is proven right.

Do you want to bring up your lame arguments all over again and have them shot down?

Maybe you should just continue…:banghead:
And neither will a sexual act with a couple who is past child bearing age, or a couple that is infertile. So what is the purpose of non-procreative sexual relations amongst heterosexual couples? You are applying a double standard.
Infertile sex (eg. Due to age, medical condition, etc) is conjugal, but ultimately ineffective in its procreative dimension, though ordered to it.

Mutual masturbation (homosexual sex) fails more fundamentally. It is not conjugal, not ordered towards procreation.
Unless a crime has been committed, God alone has the right to judge. The concept of judging the private sexual activities of other consenting adults as “sinful” seems to me to be extremely presumptuous. It’s private between the couple concerned.
To Which couple are you referring Emily? We are discussing moral principles, not gossiping about some couple. Are there any moral principles concerning private sexual activities, Emily?
I consider myself a devout Catholic but I’m not sure where I stand on the church teaching against homosexual acts. If we are to believe that God created everything and everyone in His Infinite Wisdom, then why did He bother creating gay people?
Before we can answer that question we would need to known the causes of homosexuality. Not long ago the CCC said that the “its psychological genesis
remains largely unexplained,” the catechism was absolutely right. This creates a delemnia because if the causes are largely unexplained then the reason why there are homosexuals is unknown.
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