Why did God create man?

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Another possible reason for our creation is that G-d wanted to share His love with us. However, the argument is made that too many people suffer during this lifetime although perhaps in the afterlife they eventually attain heaven where they spend eternity with G-d. Still, the question arises why the journey of suffering to begin with? A purification process perhaps? Yet another reason, given by some in Judaism, is that G-d depends on us to make the world a better place, which He created somewhat imperfect. It is through our good deeds toward one another that we achieve not only our own betterment but the betterment of the world. Each act of loving-kindness we emit helps form a more perfect universe.
Perhaps we are just an accident of the greater creation process and the various world religions are trying to assign us importance that we don’t really have.
Like another answer said, God created us to be His children. We were not meant to be on earth but things had to be changed after Adam and Eve disobeyed God. This life is only a journey we are on until we return to our eternal home with God.
We were put on earth by God before Adam and Eve disobeyed God.
I would say we were probably meant to be here on earth, with a qualifier that the earth was a whole different place before original sin.
There is no why. The book of Genesis offers a clue in the order of creation. Creation is the product of God’s pure love. The creation of man is the culmination of God’s pure love.
There is no why. The book of Genesis offers a clue in the order of creation. Creation is the product of God’s pure love. The creation of man is the culmination of God’s pure love.
From the article, paragraph 2
Isaiah 43:7 tells is that we were made for God’s own glory. We know however, from the history of our species that even by our lower human standards, we have failed miserably to glorify our Creator. We also know from Isaiah 55:11 however, that God’s word shall go out from Him and shall not returned unfulfilled. So when God says we were created to glorify him, we can count on it happening as it is written. God’s word is alive with truth and power beyond our small ability to comprehend. If God says He created us to glorify him, then so shall we do, regardless of how impossible it may seem from our small human perspective.
From the article, paragraph 2
May I suggest you READ Isaiah 43: verses 7 & 21 for a precise understanding:thumbsup:
Does God love each and every one of us as he loves himself?

What purpose can be so great, that it would compel God to create the universe and life, knowing in advance the suffering of mankind and that his son would die?

Challenge your mind to find a greatest good purpose for creation; by searching for answers to three questions.

What greatest thing can God create?
God could create all the stars and planets of the universe; he then becomes God the builder.
God could create a whole variety of life with almost no intelligence like plants; he now becomes God the gardener’ God could create life with more intelligence but if the knowledge is limited he has now created the animal kingdom. He now becomes God the farmer. God could create life in his own image, a life that could understand him. Can God create anything greater than children in his own image, does he now become God the Father, and we pray to God our Father. Does the greatest thing that God creates, depend on the relationship that he can have with them?

What greatest purpose can God have to create children in his own image?
Could love be the greatest reason for God to create children?
Could the ultimate God be a God who loves in the greatest way? God the Father willingly loves all of mankind as he loves HIMSELF.
Can there be any greater reason to create children, even for God; can God love us more than he loves himself? In a way, God loves us more than he loves himself, because he sent his Son to die for us. In a contradicting way, God loves himself more than us, because he is the greatest being in the universe and retains the power of heaven or hell over us. We can never have the wisdom to understand the fullness of God’s love during our lifetime, but to dare to think that God loves each and every one of us as he loves himself is indeed a profound thought. When you ask the question; why did Christ say they are the greatest commandment, can it possibly be because they are greatest for God also?

To find a greatest purpose for all God’s children.
What greatest purpose could God set for humanity? Would it be for everyone to turn to His kind of religion and pray the way that he stipulates, or would it be to banish poverty, gain intellectual superiority, conquer sickness and death, and subdue the universe or is there more?
If the greatest reason God could have to create mankind, is to love us, as he loves himself, then God could create mankind, with the freedom to return God’s love
All of mankind to be created with the freedom to love God the creator unconditionally, are we given the greatest commandment as a guide for this very purpose?
God willingly loves everyone as he loves himself; do we also need this same freedom to love everyone in the same way, so that the truth can be complete for God and mankind.
All of mankind, to be created with the freedom to love their neighbour; as they love themselves unconditionally; are we given the second greatest commandment as a guide?
Is this how God wants his children to be one? He wants us to love each other as we love ourselves, despite our differences.
Could the greatest commandments be a Greatest and Ultimate Truth?

John 15 – As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.

If our greatest purpose for creation is to live by the greatest commandments, then this freedom to love also gives us the choice to do both good and evil. Are the greatest commandments powerful enough, to compel God to create the universe and life, knowing in advance the costs involved?
We can marvel at the great attention to detail that is evident in everything from the microscopic cells of life and right up to the giant structures of galaxies. Can you find any greater purpose for all this to exist? Challenge the above statements in your mind in an honest way, test them against any religious beliefs, and test them against any form of logic.
This is only a collection of words to challenge the mind to think, I do not pretend to understand the meaning, or to make any claims of truth from these words. They are written without any qualifications, authority, or any conscious revelations from God. If you have found any inspiration then please feel free to pass these words onto others who may also pray, meditate and challenge these words further. I do not wish to make any claims for copyright; so you are free to use these words in any way you choose. My hopes are that they may inspire unity, greater interfaith relations and world peace in some way.


From the article, paragraph 2
Glorification of God is the natural beauty of creation, which is the product of God’s love. We being fallen from nature, are not without natural purpose, but we have within our capacity to NOT glorify God through sinning. But purpose is not the question here. The question is “why”; what motivation did God have before all things existed to desire to create us. Isiah understood the purpose of man, but he did not attempt to answer the question “why” man was created.

ALL of creation is for the Glory of God (Psalm 19), a natural thing if all of creation was created out of God’s love. Isiah is reminding us of our created nature, how we were before the fall, and reminding us that we must make every effort to glorify God to be as close as we can to how He created us (without sin).
Glorification of God is the natural beauty of creation, which is the product of God’s love. We being fallen from nature, are not without natural purpose, but we have within our capacity to NOT glorify God through sinning. But purpose is not the question here. The question is “why”; what motivation did God have before all things existed to desire to create us. Isiah understood the purpose of man, but he did not attempt to answer the question “why” man was created.

ALL of creation is for the Glory of God (Psalm 19), a natural thing if all of creation was created out of God’s love. Isiah is reminding us of our created nature, how we were before the fall, and reminding us that we must make every effort to glorify God to be as close as we can to how He created us (without sin).
God knew we would take on a sinful nature.
Part of the glorification of God is our willing return to him from that sinful nature.
Okay. 🙂

I would say that love is the primary purpose. Manifesting Him is the added bonus. 🙂
The two would definitely be connected. God loves that which manifests his presence sounds reasonable.
God did not create us for utilitarian motives to simply be “tools”. He created us out of his infinite love to be his children.
Can God create anything greater than children in his own image, can God love us more than he loves himself?
Can God create anything greater than children in his own image, can God love us more than he loves himself?
Our creation is linked to God’s love.
But it’s like which came first, the love or the creation?
Does God love us because he created us?
Or does he just love what he creates?
Perhaps we are just an accident of the greater creation process and the various world religions are trying to assign us importance that we don’t really have.
Even if we were an accident, it would be a lucky accident for sure. Now, this cranky (feminine of snarky) granny is certainly not a world religion; however, I consider you important because the human person is worthy of profound respect. One of the reasons is that the human person is in the image of God. Why did God create humans in His image? Personally, I believe He did that so He could communicate and interact with us. Our decomposing anatomy needed a spiritual soul in order to communicate and interact with a superior Spiritual Being. In fact, God calls us to share in His life on earth and in heaven. Why? It must be because we are inherently special.
Even if we were an accident, it would be a lucky accident for sure. Now, this cranky (feminine of snarky) granny is certainly not a world religion; however, I consider you important because the human person is worthy of profound respect. One of the reasons is that the human person is in the image of God. Why did God create humans in His image? Personally, I believe He did that so He could communicate and interact with us. Our decomposing anatomy needed a spiritual soul in order to communicate and interact with a superior Spiritual Being. In fact, God calls us to share in His life on earth and in heaven. Why? It must be because we are inherently special.
I think more likely, it’s to glorify God by manifesting his presence (Spirit) in the material world.
Even if we were an accident, it would be a lucky accident for sure. Now, this cranky (feminine of snarky) granny is certainly not a world religion; however, I consider you important because the human person is worthy of profound respect. One of the reasons is that the human person is in the image of God. Why did God create humans in His image? Personally, I believe He did that so He could communicate and interact with us. Our decomposing anatomy needed a spiritual soul in order to communicate and interact with a superior Spiritual Being. In fact, God calls us to share in His life on earth and in heaven. Why? It must be because we are inherently special.
As you, I don’t represent any world religion, I just don’t believe that God had or has any direct involvement in our creation. We do bear resemblance to other creatures, but I’m very uncertain about any resemblance to God, since God may be formless.

It is when we attained true sentience that we may have obtained the ability to communicate with the eternal in very basic ways. We seem to be aware of a force that we call God. Whether that force is aware of us remains a big question for me.
Good observation. 👍

In reality, there are many, many, nearly infinite excellent reasons why God created us.😃
There must be one primary reason though from which the others flow:

From the article
Isaiah 43:7 tells is that we were made for God’s own glory. We know however, from the history of our species that even by our lower human standards, we have failed miserably to glorify our Creator. We also know from Isaiah 55:11 however, that God’s word shall go out from Him and shall not returned unfulfilled. So when God says we were created to glorify him, we can count on it happening as it is written. God’s word is alive with truth and power beyond our small ability to comprehend. If God says He created us to glorify him, then so shall we do, regardless of how impossible it may seem from our small human perspective.
God did not create us for utilitarian motives to simply be “tools”. He created us out of his infinite love to be his children.
God loves each and every one of us as he loves himself, can God love us more than he loves himself?

We are given the greatest commandments, they have top be greatest for a reason.
As you, I don’t represent any world religion, I just don’t believe that God had or has any direct involvement in our creation. We do bear resemblance to other creatures, but I’m very uncertain about any resemblance to God, since God may be formless.

It is when we attained true sentience that we may have obtained the ability to communicate with the eternal in very basic ways. We seem to be aware of a force that we call God. Whether that force is aware of us remains a big question for me.
Do you think God (or this force) has no consciousness or the universe around Him or no consciousness us just us?
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