Hi, thanks for the challenging post!Does God love each and every one of us as he loves himself?
What purpose can be so great, that it would compel God to create the universe and life, knowing in advance the suffering of mankind and that his son would die?
Challenge your mind to find a greatest good purpose for creation; by searching for answers to three questions.
What greatest thing can God create?
Does the greatest thing that God creates, depend on the relationship that he can have with them?
What greatest purpose can God have to create children in his own image?
Could love be the greatest reason for God to create children?
When you ask the question; why did Christ say they are the greatest commandment, can it possibly be because they are greatest for God also?
To find a greatest purpose for all God’s children.
What greatest purpose could God set for humanity? Would it be for everyone to turn to His kind of religion and pray the way that he stipulates, or would it be to banish poverty, gain intellectual superiority, conquer sickness and death, and subdue the universe or is there more?
If the greatest reason God could have to create mankind, is to love us, as he loves himself, then God could create mankind, with the freedom to return God’s love
He wants us to love each other as we love ourselves, despite our differences.
Could the greatest commandments be a Greatest and Ultimate Truth?
John 15 – As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.
If our greatest purpose for creation is to live by the greatest commandments, then this freedom to love also gives us the choice to do both good and evil. Are the greatest commandments powerful enough, to compel God to create the universe and life, knowing in advance the costs involved?
You have a way of raising questions in the reader
that stimulates discourse. The highlighted phrase
sums up the climax of your post, right on.