Why did God make us in the first place? What’s in it for Him? He doesn’t need us. He’s not lonely. If the answer is that we need God, then we would not have needed God had we never existed. We could not have just sprung out His overflowing abundance of love/life because the Bible tells us that God willed us into being.
Hi cteslak,
The answer is in the bible. David asked this question, What is man etc? We are a temple. God is building a temple. There are clues in many places. Ie Jesus is a carpenter. Jesus is the cornerstone. Jesus is not a piece of granite but the cornerstone of the temple. We are that temple. Perish the thought of a tin shed. Now our minds can’t grasp the glory that will be ours as a member of this Holy Temple, but by reading Paul’s letters , we see where Paul alluded to that glory.Just look to the stars and the heavens. Revelation says, I will give you the morning star. Not a small gift surely.
Dig around, it is quite clear and certain. Off hand I think Matthew also contains answers.
Why are we here, why not build us straight into the temple. Well He knows us psychologically, he made us and He knows how to make us strong and Holy. We are in the process of being made Holy, which includes knowledge, Adam’s prayer. Although we are being refined, His loving grace is always available. We are in a kindergarten and He is looking through the window at us and we can’t come to any harm. Mostly it is just our fears and pride. If we follow His will, we are on easy street, the cutting off dead branches and the pruning to increase all lead to increased love and pleasure.
Compare the bond between a football team and a non contact sport. THe blows certainly increase the bond, the love and respect. Part of our psychology.
Just trust in Him, He is almighty, He loves us, just follow His will, live in Christ and be glorified in the appropriate time.
Walk in love