Now whilst we went from one place to another in the cities and districts of the Children of Israel, and we neither found a soldier of Herod nor any fear of him, and none of his afflictions, and when we looked we saw that all Israel was without men children. And we came and went up to Fasatrun, which is Bata, and they did not welcome us rightly. Then the heart of the old man Joseph he came not because of the fatigue of the roads. (???) And I wept for him, and said, “O my darling Son, behold we are suffering all this affliction for Thy sake. What sin canst Thou have committed? Behold the heart of this old man who feedeth us is weary because of the abuse that they heap upon him for our sakes, and also because of my weeping, and he hath not found any rest for a single day.” At one time I wept for my darling Son through fear of Herod’s soldiers, and at another I was terrified because of the highway robbers who followed us. In short, no other mother was ever afflicted with such anxieties as those that afflicted me. And when I looked at Joseph, behold he began to contend against me, saying, “Behold, I am toiling in a manner that is above my strength, and I cannot go on doing so because of my age.” And I dropped my face downwards towards my darling Son, and He was sucking at my breasts. And I was weeping and saying “O my darling Son, what sin hast Thou committed. That all these things have happened unto us through Thee, and even this old man’s heart waxeth hot as we see?” And again I wept and said, “What is this sin, I ask, which Thou has committed? Behold the heart of this old man waxeth hot.” And He ceased to suck milk from my breasts when He was about to hold converse with me, and said “O My beloved Mother, make strong thy heart, and be not sad because all these things have happened unto thee for My sake. But let thy heart be strong and like unto a rock, O my beloved mother, for I cannot leave the state of humility which I have come to make perfect in the world until I have made it perfect. Carry thou Me, O my father Joseph, for a little while in order that I may lay My hand upon thy breast so that thy soul may become strong.” And I laughed and said unto the old man Joseph, “O my father, be not angry with me, and do not let only carry this Child. (???) Behold now, I am tired, o my father, and see how He is looking to thee to carry Him.”