Why did Jesus abandon Virgin Mary after His Resurrection?

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The Assumption took place years after Jesus’s Resurrection. Why did he abandon her here on earth all this time? The Apostles had their job and she did not attend the first Synod they held so she obviously had no job from Him anymore after the Descend of the Holy Spirit.
Some historical data show she was not popular with the rabbis and hence her own people and community. So she must have lived a sad lonely life.
Why did He abandon her?
ABANDONED? Poor choice of words at best…her role never diminished, as evidenced as her becoming the premier interceeder between us and Christ. So while historically there may be little mention, spiritually the relationship between the Blessed Virgin and Christ is unquestionable!
Our Lady was not abandoned. She was entrusted to St. John. Tradition has it she was the disciple’s spiritual director of sorts. She definitely had a role after Jesus was no longer present in physical form on earth.

John 19

25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen.

26 When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son.

27 After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own.
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We should not attack those who ask questions. Rather we should educate and instruct in gentleness. They may stop asking and walk away from the faith discouraged.
She was with him at his first miracle at Cana, which started his public ministry, and was present with him at the foot of the cross, which ended his public ministry. Do you not think it was likely that she was constantly with him in between? And if she was constantly with him in between, do you not think that she would have been familiar to the Apostles? And most likely beloved by them? Not necessarily as a companion in the sense of equals, but someone who was looked up to, as the respected mother of their teacher?

Would it make sense for that person to have been abandoned and deserted? Especially after being entrusted to the care of the one Apostle who actually was destined to die a natural death?
Why did he abandon her here on earth all this time?
He didn’t “abandon” her. He ascended to Heaven. She lived the rest of her natural life. That’s what happens, it’s normal.

She had friends and Jesus’s disciples to care for her.
The Apostles had their job and she did not attend the first Synod they held so she obviously had no job from Him anymore after the Descend of the Holy Spirit
Obviously? Not so much. We know she was in the upper room. We know she is the mother of the Church. We know she was with the disciples.

We don’t have scriptural references to many things in the early church, and many of the Apostles aren’t mentioned much in scripture. But, we are not scripture-alone people. The Church was and is a living, breathing entity and Mary was a revered part of the community. We know extra-biblically that she lived in the care of the Apostle John, likely in Ephesus or Jerusalem.
Some historical data show she was not popular with the rabbis and hence her own people and community. So she must have lived a sad lonely life.
Doubtful. what is this “historical data” of which you speak?
Why did He abandon her?
He did not abandon her. That’s an odd notion.
@Mary888 , I do not see how you can suggest that Jesus abandoned his mother . He took care to see that John would be a son to her .

Can you give a link to the historical data you say showed she was not popular with the rabbis ?
She was not abandoned. She is an example of the contemplative life of a virgin, of great faith and trust in God. She prayed, meditated, did works in her community in Ephesus. If many things that Jesus did were not written, the same can be said about his mother.
Perfect answer Hereiam. I couldn’t have said it better myself!
Mary, a book that may be of interest to you is "The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich.
Our Lady was very much in the lives of the Apostles as well as feeding and clothing the poor in her community.

God bless
Looking at the bride of the Songs I guess I can see what you are trying to say. I’m guessing it was like a dark night of the soul for the Virgin Mother. It was probably to further increase her merits.
I can’t provide a link since it is a printed book. There are a serious of texts translated from Arabic presenting the faith of Early Christians. The texts are from British Museum. The one I am referring to is indexed British Museum MS. Orient No. 604, 53a, col.2.
The source is Old Christian Tradition in this case.
Since she already gave birth to the Son of God, if God so wanted that she increases her merrits (what could be greater than giving birth to Christ) then He wanted her to be known and venerated. Otherwise He would have taken her with Him from the start.
The Assumption took place years after Jesus’s Resurrection. Why did he abandon her here on earth all this time? The Apostles had their job and she did not attend the first Synod they held so she obviously had no job from Him anymore after the Descend of the Holy Spirit.
Some historical data show she was not popular with the rabbis and hence her own people and community. So she must have lived a sad lonely life.
Why did He abandon her?
Just because nothing is written about her in those years, doesn’t mean she was left alone. I’ll bet Jesus visited her every day. 🙂 just sayin.
The texts are from British Museum. The one I am referring to is indexed British Museum MS. Orient No. 604, 53a, col.2.
That’s coming up as a papyrus of the Demotic Tale of Setne, with the Greek text of land-registers from Crocodilopolis, dated to Year 7 of Claudius, on the other side of the papyrus.

That’s awesome that you read both Greek and Demotic.


What’s the ISBN of your “serious of texts translated from Arabic”?

–edit-- Ah, I found it.
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I meant to write “series” not “serious”.
I did not read the original texts but a book of translations of them done by a local professor who teaches at the Faculty of Theology in Bucharest (Eastern Orthodox).
Sure, no problem.

Okay, let’s take a look at it, line by line.

The first bit looks fine-- “I am Mary the virgin, the Mother of God, King of the living and the dead. I am the woman who was vowed to God by her father, I am the daughter of a barren woman…” etc. That sounds good.

Moving on–
He who is all truth came to me on the 29th day of the month Magabit, even as it is written in the holy nooks (nooks? 🤨) and announced to me the coming of the King to me. But how was it that I did not know of the operation of God in respect of me? And he never told me how he would come unto me, or when, but He came unto me and dwelt in me, and I was occupied with this matter all day long, and the matter was only revealed unto me later when I went to Elisabeth. And I feared and marveled at the word of Gabriel and at his greatness and majesty. And when my Lord came to me He was the chariot of the Cherubim, and I knew nothing whatsoever about the exaltedness of His work, and I did not comprehend in my mind the greatness of His power that He had placed in me. And I knew nothing about the operations that were effected in women nor about their desires when they were with child. And I saw no sign in my breast that I had conceived, and my belly did not grow large, and I did not remove from my body my habitual apparel. And He came to me and I know not how He came, and he dwelt in my belly, and I did not hear any voice [speaking] to him and I did not see that He had any chariot, and I saw nothing of his throne. And I did not know whether He dwelt in my belly or not, until my kinswoman Elisabeth informed me concerning Him, when I went to her according to the work of the Angel Gabriel to me. And said, “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy belly. Whence cometh this to me that the mother of my Lord cometh to me?” and from that time my heart became strong.
So, how does that compare to the Annunciation narratives in the Bible? It doesn’t match. Can you pick two or three things that don’t make chronological sense?

Have you ever been pregnant? When was the first time you suspected? I’ve been pregnant twice-- and I had a pretty good idea within two or three days. Did I suddenly sprout a giant belly within two or three days? Of course not. The first trimester is full of so many bodily adjustments, but sprouting a giant belly and running around in maternity clothes aren’t two of them. 🙂 This doesn’t sound at all like it was written by a woman. 😛

So-- based on numerous discrepancies just in the first half-paragraph, I’ve got a giant grain of salt for the veracity of anything out of this account. What are your thoughts?
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All right, let’s skip a little further and look at this point. About the Flight Into Egypt-- just give it the smell test. Suppose you have three puppets. One of them is Mary, one of them is Joseph, and one of them is Jesus. Do the words coming out of the puppets match our understanding of these individuals?
Now whilst we went from one place to another in the cities and districts of the Children of Israel, and we neither found a soldier of Herod nor any fear of him, and none of his afflictions, and when we looked we saw that all Israel was without men children. And we came and went up to Fasatrun, which is Bata, and they did not welcome us rightly. Then the heart of the old man Joseph he came not because of the fatigue of the roads. (???) And I wept for him, and said, “O my darling Son, behold we are suffering all this affliction for Thy sake. What sin canst Thou have committed? Behold the heart of this old man who feedeth us is weary because of the abuse that they heap upon him for our sakes, and also because of my weeping, and he hath not found any rest for a single day.” At one time I wept for my darling Son through fear of Herod’s soldiers, and at another I was terrified because of the highway robbers who followed us. In short, no other mother was ever afflicted with such anxieties as those that afflicted me. And when I looked at Joseph, behold he began to contend against me, saying, “Behold, I am toiling in a manner that is above my strength, and I cannot go on doing so because of my age.” And I dropped my face downwards towards my darling Son, and He was sucking at my breasts. And I was weeping and saying “O my darling Son, what sin hast Thou committed. That all these things have happened unto us through Thee, and even this old man’s heart waxeth hot as we see?” And again I wept and said, “What is this sin, I ask, which Thou has committed? Behold the heart of this old man waxeth hot.” And He ceased to suck milk from my breasts when He was about to hold converse with me, and said “O My beloved Mother, make strong thy heart, and be not sad because all these things have happened unto thee for My sake. But let thy heart be strong and like unto a rock, O my beloved mother, for I cannot leave the state of humility which I have come to make perfect in the world until I have made it perfect. Carry thou Me, O my father Joseph, for a little while in order that I may lay My hand upon thy breast so that thy soul may become strong.” And I laughed and said unto the old man Joseph, “O my father, be not angry with me, and do not let only carry this Child. (???) Behold now, I am tired, o my father, and see how He is looking to thee to carry Him.”
(And then Joseph gets back into a good mood, lifts up baby Jesus, and instantly is cured of all fatigue.)
If Mary is aware that her (still-nursing!) son is the Messiah— do you see her harranguing him about what sin he committed that put them in such uncomfortable straits? Do you see Mary, the person who trusts God the most, as ever being “terrified” of anything? Do you see Joseph, who’s been visited and advised by how many angels regarding his duty in regards to Jesus and Mary— do you see him saying, “Well, sorry guys, I guess I’m too old for this job. I think I’m going to die if I keep it up.” And then Mary tells her son, “This is so totally your fault, Baby Jesus!”

A point in its favor-- the Flight Into Egypt is indeed one of the Seven Sorrows of Mary. But the dialogue—! It reads like bad fiction from someone who doesn’t have a good grasp on their characters.
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