A vocation is not a job. Some vocations call us to quiet contemplation, or to daily menial tasks that go unnoticed by anyone but God.The Assumption took place years after Jesus’s Resurrection. Why did he abandon her here on earth all this time? The Apostles had their job and she did not attend the first Synod they held so she obviously had no job from Him anymore after the Descend of the Holy Spirit.
Some historical data show she was not popular with the rabbis and hence her own people and community. So she must have lived a sad lonely life.
Why did He abandon her?
Rather than look at what Mary did, we should look at who she is.
And she is the Virgin Mother of God living a sinless life, modelling virtue, pondering the mysteries of God, contemplating her Son. Receiving our prayers and pleading for us.
It would be hard to conceive a more lofty vocation.
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