Hans, dude, don’t condescend. You don’t know who you are talking to on these Forums.
I obviously have failed to communicate my intended point.
The short of it boils down to: What we do, what we think and who we are - these are all causally linked to each another.
Whom we become as eternal beings has obviously very profound and serious consequences.
blogs.discovermagazine.com/lo…-neuroscience/, the writer discusses a presentation that concerned work being done in the area of genes and their association with the anatomy of the brain and behaviour in living things. There is an excitment in the article, projected onto or reflecting that of the room as the findings were made known. It does not take much interpretation to understand that the excitement has nothing to do with a marvelling of God’s creation, little if anything to do with the wonder that is human rationality, but everything about mastery and control. It is clearly demonstrated how we are able to take apart living things, to manipulate what they are, what we are ourselves. We have the capacity to splice human DNA that codes for brain development into lesser creatures, possibly to allow for the ability to speak. We become more god-like in our doing as we please and in our control of nature; in doing so however, we are diminished. Reflected back is an image of ourselves as another form of rodent. And of course, if you actually speak to anyone in the room, you will find that as is true of everyone else, all of us, they are all about honour, money, power and pleasures. Mankind in the service of itself, falls further from its heavenly home.
Some of the repercussions of this world view are seen in the many, many tens of millions of killings of unborn people since Roe and Wade. It is all about ignorance. And when that veil will be lifted, how many will regret what they have done to another and what they have lost as consequence?! The lie is perpetuated by a medical-scientific perspective that does away with the person, reducing him/her to a material substance to be manipulated and played with. If it were left that “molecular machinery” was seen as simply a part of our physical make-up (which can help to discern, for example in Medicine, medication tolerances and variations in metabolism), it would be one thing, but we see it applied to the powerless amomg us, secular-consumerist untouchables - merely molecular machinery.
I’m at work, doing science actually. But, I’m the boss so I can cut myself some slack. Just trying to give you a flavour of what I was getting at.