The good news is that my trust in the forgotten Holy Spirit is growing so that I am gaining the courage to defend Catholicism. I accept and defend the literal reality of two first sole fully-complete original human parents biblically known as Adam and Eve.I am so fearful that if I would lose a few more pounds, I would be hiding under my bed.
Back to the subject of this thread.
If the Neanderthal population descended from Adam and Eve, they would be in the same position as persons living before the time of the Divine Jesus Christ.
The current natural science position declares that it is impossible for any species to solely descend from only two progenitors. Those familiar with science know that this basic tenet was considered solid evidence in 1995. Actually, the brilliant Pope Pius XII recognized that conflict with Catholicism in 1950.
Persons who trust the forgotten Holy Spirit are assured that they are descended from Adam and Eve. Therefore, there is no problem with declaring that our species is truly human. For general information. The wisdom of the promised Holy Spirit guides the major Ecumenical Church Councils.
The interpretations of science research demonstrated by the cladistics system declares that the Neanderthals did not descend from two original fully-complete Neanderthals. For general information. Each point on a cladogram is a major originating population larger than an originating population of two, that is, the literal first couple Adam and Eve.
Because the Catholic Church has only archaic fossils and nearby artifacts from the Neanderthal periods, early and later, it declines to dogmatically name material fossils as humans. Individuals are obviously free to present their findings from studying fossils and artifacts.
Individuals are also free to compare the visible evidence of actions of humans living in the Old Testament years with the Neanderthal years. I am thinking of pagan religious actions resulting in physical idols and structures. Humans are capable of building on knowledge. (pun intended)
Why didn’t God save the Neanderthals from extinction?
If Neanderthals were true humans descending from two human founders of humankind, then it is possible that eternal joy in heaven can follow their bodily death in the same way it happens today. Compared to being in the presence of the Beatific Vision, extinction is not a big deal. Unfortunately, Neanderthals wandered the earth before the endangered species list.