Dearest Granny,In real life, it is possible that individual interpretations of natural events going millions of years backwards will oppose Divine Revelation. The real life example is the clash between the Catholic Deposit of Faith and the cladistics system (large random-breeding populations) used in the modern science of human heredity.
In real life, in order for “truth” not to contradict “truth”, science must be conducted properly and Catholic doctrines must be properly understood. Unfortunately, a variety of Catholics want to eliminate annoying Catholic doctrines.
What’s all the malarkey! You are the sharpest knife in the drawer, so just admit it.

The key words above are “clash between the Catholic Deposit of Faith and…”
Granny, many good, faithful Catholics do not rely on a strict interpretation of the Genesis account in order to have a complete commitment to Christ and Church and dedicate their lives to loving God and neighbor. As I have previously stated, however, if the sciences of heredity and genomics are disruptive to your faith, then please ignore the science. In the mean time, are you feeling annoyed that some people can incorporate the science and the CCC?
Of course, it is natural to want the “security” of a doctrine, something for the faithful to rely on if there is confusion and anxiety. Granny, a person with a solid prayer life does not have this anxiety. Christ is found in relationship, not in a book, remember the quote from Pope Francis? We find Christ in prayer, in our Christian community, in creation (including all humanity), and in the scripture/doctrine. If a Catholic relies on only one of those sources, we need to gently encourage them to look further, right?
If nothing else, God has given us the gift of imagination! And with this gift, we can come up with many means of melding the science and the faith.
On that matter, I will suggest a way of doing so, in my next post.
Thanks, Granny, you have again stimulated my fingers to write!