Our destiny cannot be secured for us: we determine it by the way we live.
We still determine our own destiny with the help of God’s grace. No one is compelled to go to heaven or hell.
God is Love! And not in the same category as His creatures.
I agree, but I have a feeling that Jean-Paul Sarte was making a general claim about all persons, not just human beings.
God didn’t come into the picture for Sartre because he was an atheist.
There can be only one Messiah. (Occam’s Razor).
Perhaps true (though I don’t see how it would be true because of Occam’s Razor)…
More than one Messiah was not predicted nor needed.
…but the God-man might have come down at the start of human history and prevented original sin in the first place, instead of coming down in the middle of the roman empire to save us from our sin. As I’ve said, God decided on the pund of cure rather than an ounce of prevention.
If God prevented sin it would defeat the purpose of giving us free will.
Unselfish love is not a form of payment. Money is a human invention!
I am speaking figuratively here. I do not mean that Jesus literally gave a wad of cash to God or the devil. or perhaps you meant that “payment” is not an accurate way of looking at the cross? The crucifixion is called the atonement because Jesus is atoning for our sins, and justifying the human race before God once again. Paying a fine was the analogy I created on the spot, and it seems to be somewhat appropriate.
Atonement means “at-one-ment”, by means of a scapegoat but with the power of love.
Our destiny is not determined by the Cross but by our response to the Cross.
The destiny of the general human race is determined by the cross. Because of it, God will deem the human race worthy of salvation at the end of time.
We can
never be worthy of salvation. Nothing we do can merit sharing God’s life in heaven. We are redeemed by the Cross but we saved by our love in response to His love.
Numbers are irrelevant where free will is concerned. We are not statistical units but persons!
Numbers may be irrelevant where free will is concerned, but they are NOT irrelevant where love is concerned. Love desires the greatest possible good for the greatest number of people.
That is the flawed theory of Utilitarianism which would sacrifice individuals for the sake of the majority. No formula can replace our conscience. God’s Love desires the greatest possible good for
everyone. We all have an equal right to life, liberty and happiness.
The greatest good is the beatific vision, and God manipulates events so that as many people as possible experience it. if that means moving moral decisions from each individual person to one representative of the human race, than that is exactly what God will do.
The Church teaches that our ultimate authority is our conscience. No one else can ever be responsible for our moral decisions.
We cannot be saved from trouble if we inflict it on ourselves. If we insist on being selfish we get what we deserve - and have no reason to complain. Otherwise we are living in a fool’s paradise…
The whole idea behind Jesus’s crucifixion is that we can be saved from trouble that we inflict on ourselves.
That idea is diametrically opposed to the injunction of Jesus that we should take up our cross and follow Him: there is no greater love than to lay down one’s
life for another person.