If you had to give three reasons, what would they be?
LaSalle said:1. Does not understand Church teaching
- Does not understand Church teaching
- Does not understand Church teaching
My father was a baptist minister, a good teacher of the Bible(within the Baptist context) and well-loved by the flock.I left for twenty years and I know what my reasons were:
In addition to this our Faith is very complex. It takes a lot to understand the Sacraments and why the Mass is Heaven on earth. Young people are not taught that as they should be. As a convert I was not taught that. As a result the Mass seems like dead ritual and the simplicity of Evangelicalism is attractive.
- Apparent deadness in the Church
- A priest who said he knew nothing of the Bible
- Evangelical radio and Baptist “friends”
Keep in mind, Evangelicals have organizations such as “Missions to Catholics” and “Christians Evangelizing Catholics.” As long as they are so zealous to remove people from the Church and we poorly teach our young people, we will see our members leave.