Why do Christians reject the Talmud?

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And please also talk about the inner worlds of the soul, I have both experienced the Merkabah but don’t have the knowledge to use it any more which I know is kept secrets by rabbis of secrete words and since I’m catholic in this life I’m out of look.

I have experienced inner world were when my consciousness changes from this world to a inner world but rarely sometimes at night control it.

It’s forbidden to study the occult as a catholic and I’m not sure how to define a lot of Kabbalah
It’s very dangerous in today’s world to use the Merkabah any way for reasons I cannot say but let’s just say there is a organization run by Lucifer that wants to control everything !
I saw this coming. Kabbalah is a cult, it’s run by Satan. If you think so, why do you then care so much to know about souls and Kabbalistic concepts? Have you ever tried reaching Olam Atsiluth?
I did not say Kabbalah is a cult! All knowledge has no evil inclination so why would I think Kabbalah is a cult.

I know Lucifer’s army hidden in plain sight anyone who doesn’t think he exists is wrong if you summoned he you would know sometimes he’s not home and it’s just satan without Lucifer’s soul.

In any case I would not recommend even if you knew how to summon Lucifer as you would definitely bring a curse on yourself I had many for years.!
I need some guidance I’m not sure of which rabbis I can trust at this stage!
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Oh I thought Olam Atsiluth was a Jewish name.

No rabbi I have very little control like I said only at night I have this ability I forget most of it the next day just small memories.

If you could tell me how to unlock my memory that would be great or any books on memory I seem to be struggling with this especially remembering my dreams!

I know there is a level one reaches that you don’t forget things like I said my past memories of these things is faded but I know it’s exists I have past life memories of them as I am catholic and I am not in Jewish circles any more because God so willed it I miss knowledge of these things.
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“It’s forbidden to study the occult as a catholic and I’m not sure how to define a lot of Kabbalah.”

Your words, not mine.

In fact, in Kabbalah, there is an opposite to the sefirot, the קְלִיפּוֹת.

So who is Lucifer’s army? How did you stumble upon this knowledge where others haven’t? And why are you distrusting certain rabbis, which ones?

It is true, some dreams can be unlocked to have subtle messages, but what kind of memory are you talking about? Did you try meditation? I would suggest you pray it over.
The Talmud, when looked back in context, never mentions Jesus.
The Encyclopaedia Judaica, second edition, volume 11, pages 249 and 250 disagrees with you.
“Beginning with the Basle edition of the Talmud (1578–
80), those passages in which Jesus was mentioned, as well
as other statements alluding to Christianity, were deleted
from most editions of the Babylonian Talmud by the Christian censors or even by internal Jewish censorship. These deletions were later collected in special compilations and in
manuscripts (cf. R.N.N. Rabbinowicz, Ma’amar al Hadpasat ha-Talmud (1952), 28n.26). From the stories about Jesus
in the Babylonian Talmud, it is evident that he was regarded
as a rabbinical student who had strayed into evil ways: “May
we produce no son or pupil who disgraces himself like Jesus
the Nazarene” (Ber. 17b; Sanh. 103a; cf. Dik. Sof. ad loc.). The
rabbis were not certain of his time or his activities. Thus he is
described as a pupil of *Joshua b. Peraḥyah (Sanh. 107b; see
Dik. Sof. ad loc.).”
" In one baraita Jesus appears as a sorcerer
and enticer who led people astray. “They hanged Jesus on the
eve of Passover. Forty days earlier a proclamation was issued
that he was to be stoned for practicing sorcery and for enticing and leading Israel astray.” “Let anyone who can speak in
his favor come forward.” “Nothing in his favor was discovered
and they hanged him on the eve of Passover.” The date given
for the hanging, the 14t of Nisan, agrees with the date given
in John 19:14. (In the Gospels the date given is the first day
of the festival which is the 15t day of Nisan.) "…

" In the talmudic account, however,
his death conforms with the death penalty of the bet din as
prescribed by the halakhah (see *Crucifixion)."
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The rabbi’s I don’t trust are rabbis who follow Lucifer and there are many who hide in plain site.

Tell me rabbi how can you discern a demon in a person when they try stay hidden ?
Firstly, we don’t know who edited what, when. We have no clue. There’s no “Dead Sea Talmuds” around anywhere, if you happen to know of any, hook me up.

Secondly, it never mentions Jesus of Nazarene, at best, it only says “Yeshu the Notzri,” and, if we’re going to rely on our commentaries, which state this was a later medieval interpolation into the Munich text (see Menachem HaMeiri, Beit Habechirah, Sotah ad. loc. for details), we’re golden. Again, notzri doesn’t mean Nazarene. It’s from Jeremiah 4:16, and it could mean any community. For example, in the Talmud, there is a band of robbers, and the chief guy is called Odenathus and sometimes he’s referred to as “Ben Netzar/Notzri,” though we all knew his origins were from Palmyra.

Third, Jesus was not the student of Yehoshua ben Perachya, who was a contemporary of Rav Akiva (Sotah 47a), who’s student was Ben Stada, who dies - of all places - in Lud, via stoning. All of which took places a hundred years after Jesus. Contrast that to Yeshu, who lived a hundred years before Jesus.

Understand that Yeshu was a common name of the time. See Collossians 4:11, Seder Hadoros, the writings of Rabbi Yechiel of Paris, and Josephus, who lists 20 important guys named Jesus, 10 of which lived at the same time of Jesus.

Fourth. There are so many problems with the Bet Din in the Gospel narratives, I don’t know where to start! For one, the charge of blasphemy was inaccurate; there could have been no unanimous vote - not even a quorum of 23 judges - as it would have signaled collusion; the charge should have been presented to Jesus before his trial; he wasn’t given any witnesses on his behalf; his trial was done in 7 hours, an ex parte - but the Bet Din couldn’t convict and execute on the same day; no trial could take place on the eve of Shabbat or Passover; Caiaphas didn’t swear an oath of impartiality towards Jesus; he couldn’t have convicted Jesus as he was the son-in-law of the accuser, Annas; lastly, Jesus death, based on the charges, would have been stoning, not crucifixion (Leviticus 24:16).