please, explain to me how on earth saying abortion is genocide is hyperbole???
From 2004 memorandum titled Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion: General Principles:“it is considered remote material cooperation”
You mean that part?
Peace and God Bless
A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil, and so unworthy to present himself for Holy Communion, if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate’s permissive stand on abortion and/or euthanasia. When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favor of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.
I’m not sure “genocide” is the word I would use, at least in the first two of your three examples, but your point is a very good one. Hypotheticals I can think of:In China, its been used to systematically murder females.
In Iceland, it is used to systematically murder babies diagnosed with down syndrome.
In NYC, more black kids are now aborted than born.
Please, tell me how this is not a systematic attempt to destroy a particular group of humans.
Please, explain to me how this is not genocide.
That word “especially” implies that genocide is not limited to “the deliberate killing of… those of a particular ethnic group or nation.”Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. “a campaign of genocide”
That’s allowed now anywhere in the western world. Thanks to the British Parliament, it’s even allowed in Northern Ireland…because they care so much about the Irish.Is it possible that a society could ever decide to allow sex-selection abortion to favor females ?
Let me clarify. What I meant was that, conceivably (no pun intended), a woman could become pregnant, learn that she was carrying a boy, and could say “no, I don’t want a boy, I want all girls, there need to be fewer males in the world, masculinity is a bad thing, and the fewer men, the better”. Girls are routinely taught that boys are bad, boys lie, “the future is female”, and so on. Given this mindset, how much of a stretch is it to think that boys could be routinely “culled” the way poultry farmers cull chicks?Is it possible that a society could ever decide to allow sex-selection abortion to favor females ?
Never mind that she needed a male — if even just a sperm donor (and there are women who regard men as having little usefulness aside from this) — to conceive the child in the first place. If science could find a way around this, some would support it.
Or that it’s a sin to miss mass on Sunday. Perhaps that should be mentioned on Christmas and Easter.it should come as no surprise that we have a tremendous number of Catholics who most likely don’t even have a clue as to what the Church teaches about pro choice.
Oh dear Lord. I was just creating a hypothetical based on the tendency of our modern society to say, in essence, “two X good, one X bad”. God forbid it would ever come true.Some do indeed support this and are trying to convince others to do just that. Just as, I assume it’s what you were thinking of, the Chinese penchant for doing the same to females. If fourth wave feminism were to be anything like coherent and potent, it’s possible, but it would also be short lived as sane people would out-breed those who select for sex…or anything else for that matter.
That is true. At the end of the day, I vote for the person and not the party.I think it’s important to remember, that just because a party has one position, does not mean the candidate for that party holds it. Rudy Giuliani is not pro-life, and Dan Lipinski of Illinois does not support the “right” to abortion. I think it’s a better idea to vote for people and not parties.