And to this, too, I would echo the same sentiment — “let them have their say”.
I took a brief spin through this website and can’t see a thing in the world wrong with it.
I wholeheartedly support “Black Lives Matter” (keeping in mind that ALL lives matter!) and I don’t know anything about the other group, to have an opinion on it.
I don’t think anyone is under the impression that Faithful Shepherds “represents any official part of the Catholic Church”, nor that they are “Catholic religious leaders”. Could anyone think that a website that highlights both the good
and the bad among bishops’ stances has any official status? Does the USCCB, for instance, provide this sort of information? It is ludicrous even to think of it.
And as far as the “right of free speech”, yes, that is granted by the US Constitution, and was agreed upon by a college of post-Enlightenment scholars and patriots (few of whom were Catholic), and I am glad it is in the Constitution. It is a civil right, but it is not a God-given right. As Father Vincent Miceli of happy memory said, a “right” is a claim upon a moral good. We have the
obligation to use our speech unto the salvation of souls and to give greater glory to Almighty God, but we have no “right” to use speech in any way we see fit. Catholics and other Christians would do well to remember this.