Why do people love twisting the Pope's words so much?

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With the latest Pope Francis saying in the media, it seems like people are embracing it as a change in Church doctrine on same-sex attractions. Why do people do this so often, and why are they never corrected by Church officials or the faithful at large?
Why do people do this so often, and why are they never corrected by Church officials or the faithful at large?
The media wants to get hits to their website or viewers to their TV show or readers to their print publication. They will sensationalize anything they can in order to get this.

The Church has better things to do than issue “corrections” all day. The Church teaching is available in the Catechism to anyone who truly cares to find out what it is.
Why do people do this so often
Because it sells news, and, more importantly/darkly, undermines the truth of the Church.
why are they never corrected by Church officials or the faithful at large?
Because they wouldn’t listen anyway. They don’t turn to the Catechism, which is ironclad and is very hard to spin. They turn to Francis’ impromptu, often badly translated, and out-of-context quotes, knowing they can get what they want from them.
Bingo to this. Controversy attracts viewers. More viewers means more dollars for advertisements. The media is not your friend.
It could be for a number of reason depending on who the individual is;
  1. If it is from the secular Liberal world, outlets like CNN would love to claim that now we have a pope who supports anti-Catholic things so as to push an agenda and claim any faithful Catholic is wrong for supporting the opposite.
  2. The same with modernist Catholics.
  3. Tradcats (of whom I often identify with most) are at fault when they claim the pope also sided with something directly against Catholicism so as to discredit him. There has to be honesty.
Pope Francis has indeed said things that I disagree with before (on matters in which we as Catholics can disagree). I am happy to acknowledge this and explain why, but it’s pretty wrong to fly with a lie if it fits an agenda.
It’s all a matter of agenda.
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the Pope seems criticized because he represents the Catholic church, so haters of the Church may say the Pope is “changing the rules”, when he isn’t. It’s no win!
With the latest Pope Francis saying in the media, it seems like people are embracing it as a change in Church doctrine on same-sex attractions. Why do people do this so often, and why are they never corrected by Church officials or the faithful at large?
I think people have their own agenda, as they always do. But I don’t remember any pope’s words being so twisted so often as Pope Frances.

I know that in America, people have the concept that the Church is some sort of democracy, rather than a theocracy. They think if they protest, and try to influence others through the media, they can sway the Teachings of Jesus Christ to suit their own desires.

2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings…”
It’s a combination of both the media and those who dislike Pope Francis and want to make him look like a heretic.

And even more liberal Catholics will call him a “hypocrite”, instead of saying, “great, we now have a pope who’s on our side”!
It’s a combination of both the media and those who dislike Pope Francis and want to make him look like a heretic.

I think the Main Stream Media loves Pope Francis, and see him as one of their own.

They assume that he is in favor of same sex marriage because they are.

You have it backwards, the media sees Francis as an orthodox Liberal, and want to portray him as such.

Orthodoxy and heterodoxy in regards to religion is something they could care less about.
I’ve seen more stones thrown at Pope Francis from neo-Catholics than liberals.

He said what the Catechism said and nothing it didn’t. The fact that media is spinning this out of control says something about how they used to think we perceived this issue…
It’s a combination of both the media and those who dislike Pope Francis and want to make him look like a heretic.

Same thing with Pope Benedict. The media paints the Pope one way to fit their agenda and his Catholic enemies do the same thing.

JPII also, but to a lesser degree.
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Sure, remember when the media labeled Cardinal Ratzinger the “rottweiler ?”

The thing is, Cardinal Ratzinger was actually more liberal than Pope John Paul II.

You can often show if people respect you if they just say, “ok, i understand that we think differently, and that’s ok”. But a lot of people won’t. It’s either , “you’re a bigot”, or “you’re a hypocrite”. Not a great commentary!
Pope’s don’t micromanage the news media around the world.

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