Why do people on CAF seem to think liberals are evil?

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I mentioned I understand people being prolife but it seems unreasonable to compare an embryo to a fully developed human. I mentioned believing life starts at conception is an interesting claim because the fertilized egg has no brain or heart activity or consciousness.
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Personally, I think we should have gun education in the schools. We have sex ed and there’s no way having sex can be considered a right, but self-defense is a right enumerated in the Constitution.

If everyone learned about guns and gun safety, I think there would be many fewer accidents.
Why is abortion in the first trimester OK? Humans develop, very quickly in the womb, staggeringly quickly. Their heart is beating at 3 weeks, at 25 days the brain and central nervous system has developed, by 30 day eyes, ears, mouth, kidneys, liver developed. Hands and feet, complete with the child’s fingerprint from week 7 and at 8 to 10 weeks the child can feel pain. How is abortion justifiable here?

Don’t believe the “it’s only a clump of cells” or “its not a real human being yet”
stuff and it’s certainly not just about the woman’s body.

Read the.information on tbe development of the unborn child from the SPUC site. It’s amazing how humans develop and how quickly.

Well, the government keeps shutting itself down or coming close to do so, so they’re at least flirting with the idea of total collapse on at least a yearly basis.
That’s because they get wrapped up in stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with the budget or the actual running of the country, and then it turns into a massive temper tantrum as the average American suffers.

This most recent spat was over immigration and DACA - which had absolutely nothing to do with anything in the budget or the logistics of managing the USA. The Democrats tried to use your tax dollars as ransom money to get what they wanted on a completely unrelated issue. And both parties have done things that are equally stupid.

Sitting around wondering if you’re going to get paid because someone wants to blackmail half of Washington (and therefore every single public servant in the US, which would include my airmen) is not fun.

Washington lost the plot decades ago. Don’t fool yourself - it’s not about you, it’s about them. It’s all about them. The actual concerns and needs of their constituencies went by the wayside years ago.
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Conservatives (esp CAF people) don’t think liberals are evil people. We simply feel that they are wrong on select issues.

Some of the hot issues are viewed thought the lenses of morality and ethics. So if you believe something to be immoral, you are going to be view it as evil.

A true conservative (not talking about libertarians or neo-cons here) are typically religious, and in the US, they are typically Christians. Devout Christians believe in the teachings of Jesus, including love your enemy.

Liberals, esp progressives (excluding the devout liberal Christians) typically believe that their view is correct based on their sense of mortality and/or ethics. However, many liberals (and libertarians and neo-cons) today (again, not including devout liberal Christians) are secular and to not follow the idea of love your enemy and hate the sin but love the sinner.

So therefore, you many many liberals / progressives believing that conservatives are evil, while there are many right leaning libertarians & neo-cons believing liberals are evil.

But again, most true conservatives do NOT believe liberals are evil. We simply believe they are wrong & mistakenly approve of some evil concepts which are disguised as societal goods.

God bless
Do your political beliefs make more or less a better person
Here’s an extra layer…some of the most rabidly political people (on both sides) in real life and on line aren’t even registered to vote. They waste hours fighting strangers online or driving away friends and then don’t vote.
Do your political beliefs make more or less a better person
What matters is a person follows Christ and lets the teachings of Christ and his Church take priority over all other viewpoints. If the Church teaches it, it is the Truth and we need to accept it and that should form our views. In the case of abortion, euthanasia and ‘gay marriage’ it is very clear and specific. On many other issues there are principles around which we must form our views, but the exact views we must hold are not specified.
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Do you define embryo as any which has not yet been born, or are you using the usual definition of weeks 1 through 8?

Your definition of life seems to included heart beat and brain activity. I can understand that, as these criteria are used to determine death.

However, these are inappropriate criteria to determine life. It’s like saying this is not a balloon because its not filled with air.

Death is a brokenness of the body; just as a popped balloon is broken. It’s still a balloon, tho, and a dead human body is still a human body.

An unborn baby is not dead, is it? It is growing in the womb.

And it is not a part of its mother as an appendix or fingernail would be, because it has its own separate DNA.

And that DNA is human.

Do you know that the heart starts beating 5 or 6 weeks after conception? Do you know that the brain’s foundation is laid at 16 days after conception, and that the “embryo” begins to move its limbs as the result of messages from the brain at 8 weeks?

The cessation of the heart beat or brainwaves used to determine death indicate that something has gone wrong with that human being; however, these signs cannot be used to judge whether life has begun because the lack of them in the earliest weeks does not indicate brokenness because the being is going through a normal stage of development rather than being in a broken state.
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Pray you are never in that prediciment. One never nows until they live in their shoes.
I don’t understand the deifying of Donald Trump here. Apparently, he can do no wrong to some people or to other people is a horrendous person.
I think there are more sane people on CAF than you might think. I think someone should do a poll on their opinion of trump.
But do you CHERISH us in the same way Trump says he cherishes the Mexican people since he assumes some of them are not rapists but good people? I want nothing less than this.
Then you need higher standards than - “they want to come here.”

Maybe a point system like Canada or Australia would work?
We definitely shouldn’t be allowing repeat offenders to waltz in and chill in sanctuary cities.
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