Dubai is a place. I think you mean the dubia?
How can this be your source for accusing the Pope of saying that Jesus sinned? From that article:I’m not going to go toe to toe over that, because I think it was a small err, but here Is an article on it - Does the Pope Really Think Jesus Sinned? - Catholic Stand
You can bet the farm nearly every source will have some kind of ‘spin’, I understand all that and am aware of it when I read.If the source is not the Vatican News Service, you can bet the farm it will have some sort of “spin”.
It’s not, it’s one source (a favorable source) that reiterates what was said. Since it’s a favorable source it’s even more trustworthy for those like yourself which is why I quoted it.How can this be your source for accusing the Pope of saying that Jesus sinned?
I read the article. It is thin, very thin. It is all based on one supposed letter that one person said he placed in the hands of the Archbishop. Reading the article critically, it is full of holes and allows for a lot of other reasonable explanations other than the Pope being aware of what happened.I hope this isn’t true
I have been hearing this version of “wait 'til next year” since I was Catholic and St. John Paul was a pope. If the next pope changes some of the disciplines in place, I think you will not find a crash or schism, but support. Not all of us kick against the goads.and when Francis is succeeded or maybe Pope Francis will see the bad fruits of such ambiguity and try to clarify, their delusions will come crashing down, and then there will be a schism for all those who have been led astray by secular society and ambiguous teaching.