Why do some Catholics have a problem with Pope Francis?

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The Francis, of whom I’m speaking, was our POPE. He did clear giving communion to divorced couples.
In Christ’s love
The media issue is not directly the Pope’s problem. My advice to the Vatican is to understand what Western media says about them and move to counter.
The Francis, of whom I’m speaking, was our POPE. He did clear giving communion to divorced couples.

In Christ’s love

This is not an acceptable explanation. I cannot advise anyone who is divorced to receive Communion.
No Pope Francis did not clear giving Holy Communion to divorced and remarried Catholics.

You’ve been misled by Pope Francis critics.

I think that’s probably the correct approach. I kind of see the Pope as…well I’m not sure if oblivious is the right word… I mean the man isn’t a groomed politician. I think after JPII, who seemed to really have a knack for those polished public appearances (that’s not to suggest they were not genuine) maybe we expect every Pope to be that good with the media. And as Americans some of us just have a preconceived notion of what someone “famous” ought to act like when out and about. But he’s the Pope, not a celebrity or House leader or professional athlete.
I’m not telling ppl to do that. It was in the news for weeks a few months back.
In Christs love
I do not agree that what I said is slander. I said what I did out of love for Jesus Christ and his holy Church. Yes Francis is the Pope. But that doesn’t to mean that I have to like him. We have has bad Popes once the past who raped and murdered children, so I don’t think that it was bad to dislike them. Why am I not free to speak my mind about Pope Francis?
Why am I not free to speak my mind about Pope Francis?
You are not completely free in this regard because it is contrary to the rules of those who pay to run this site. It is a Catholic site, not an anti-Catholic site. While disagreement and criticism is allowed, anything that crosses the line into being uncharitable is not.
A very well written post. … Just a point of clarification - which part is the ecclesiastical law? This is certianly not for your average Joe Catholic to understand.

Is divorced married Catholics cannot receive Holy Communion an ecclesiastical law (regardless of how they cannot receive Holy Communion)?

Not sure there.

Just say it is ecclesiastical law, is that why you said it is ‘imprudent’ to introduce the change now without changing the eccelsiastical first?


God bless.
Why am I not free to speak my mind about Pope Francis?
Because, despite our culture’s fetish with unmitigated “free speech”, he’s the head of the Church and you as a Catholic are subordinate to him and have no right to detract against him. If there’s a bad pope, God and the proper temporal authorities will handle it. Lay people have no place in speaking poorly of the Pontiff without grave cause. It goes against the virtue of modesty.
I do not agree that what I said is slander
You don’t have to agree. What you said was slanderous because you publicly accused the pope of disregarding literally every doctrine and called him a disgrace to the Chair. That’s totally false and unnecessary and slanderous.
Our Pope, had a short response to those complaining. Something about NO EVIDENCE! Did they look??
You forgot to mention that Pope Francis has apologized for those comments, AND is sending Archbishop Scicluna to look into the charges against Bishop Barros.
I didn’t hear that part of story. I don’t think the apology happened yet. I’m glad, the Holy Spirit guided him to charity.
In Christ’s love
I haven’t read the entire thread, but this problem has always existed in instances of imperfect humans interacting with other imperfect humans.

I’m sure that the Jewish Christians in the first century thought that Sts. Peter and Paul were extremists when they said the Gentile Converts didn’t have to follow the law of Moses.
About 50% of American Catholics had a problem with Pope Benedict XVI. Those with such problems that exceed their capacity for obedience are often ideologues or primarily political animals.
I personally don’t get it why…
Just a few things -

Hammer & Sickle Crucifix (Communism), Amoris Laetitia (Undermining the Indissolubility of marriage), Laudato Si (Galileo Affair), Who am I to judge (Same sex marriage), 500th Anniversary Martin Luther, Gutting the Pontifical Academy for Life, changing the aim of the JPII Institute on the family, the deplorable sexual education online program put out by the Vatican, ignoring the Dubia. Saying Mary called God a liar, that Jesus sinned and needed to ask for forgiveness, that there is only one faith and one Sacrament (when permitting Lutherans to receive the Catholic Eucharist), saying no one is in hell, saying something dubious about not building walls against Trump yet ignoring the Abortion, Euthanasia and other anti Christian policies of Clinton, agreeing to collaborate with the Communist government of China allowing them say in regards to the appointment of Bishops etc (Obviously they will not be allowed to preach on the evils of abortion due to their 1 child policies), pro-abortionist Lilianne Ploumen receiving the award ‘The Order of St. Gregory the Great’ from the Holy See, I guess the bar has just dropped so low that unrepentant and practicing murders are now eligible. etc

“For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

Thank you for reading.

God Bless
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This post is filled with nothing but talking points from places like Church Militant, The Remnant, and others of that ilk.
I will tackle one point here-
“Who am I to judge” had nothing to do with gay marriage or was it any endorsement of the so-called “gay agenda”.
Francis was asked about gay priests, and said “who am I to judge” those men, who despite their homosexual inclinations have chosen to live the life of a priest. I would expect nothing more than what I expect from a heterosexual man, and having homosexual inclinations is not a sin.
This post is a perfect example of the twisted, evil way people with agendas divide the Church and society as a whole.
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Unfortunately it is a contradiction, if one is unrepentant and living in adultery, and are also in full communion with the Church, then the Church has just undermined/denied the indissolubility of marriage for which we have many martyrs who defended including St John the Baptist.

Thank you for reading.

God Bless
“Who am I to judge” had nothing to do with gay marriage or was it any endorsement of the so-called “gay agenda”.
I used the same line at the time too, but you would have to be blind, or scared to give an ambiguous answer like that. Only recently after it states in the US passed same sex marriage into their laws citing ‘who am I to judge’ and as it seeped across the west from there on out, I did not hear at all from on high. Instead I was betrayed even a priest who appeared on TV to say they would vote yes and has had to my knowledge no repercussions for such public betrayal/apostacy.

(There were some good Priests and Bishops speaking out though, unfortunately it was not enough without an unambiguous backing of the Pope)

“For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

Thank you for reading.
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So because other people took the phrase , which Francis didn’t coin, and has been used for years, and hijacked for some liberal cause and all of a sudden the Pope is a liberal who is ruining the Church.

Gotcha! 🤨😏🤯
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