Nonsense. The answer is simple. Belief in God does not guarantee good behavior, and if someone can convince you that your prejudices are religiously justifiable, then they can get your hooks into you. There are a pack of lunatics running around Syria and Iraq convinced that they are doing God’s work.Again, I never claimed Christians were immune to supporting violence. However, the fact that the vast majority of the genocides of the 20th Century where committed by people who chose to separate themselves from God, whether by embracing atheism (Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin), or by creating their own religion (Hitler) cannot be refuted.
If God exists, and God is love, then people who separate themselves from God should be predisposed to do bad things when they obtain power. In the 20th Century, that is exactly what happened.
The question of why do religious fall into the same trap is an important question.
The answer is unknown, but is worth pursuing.
The Holocaust was not an isolated event, invented out of thin air by National Socialism. It was the conclusion of nearly 2,000 years of European anti-semitism. It was a rather short fall for many Christians (nor all, by any means, but many) from more generic and seemingly less virulent forms of anti semitism and the extreme forms adopted by the Nazis. They had little trouble finding collaborators among the citizens of occupied countries and allies.
If Feesinandt and Isabella has bad access to an advanced bureaucratic regime and Zyklon B, the Reconquista.might have been more vile than it was.
As to atheist states as I have already pointed out they dispensed with earlier religions and then see about creating state cults that looked an awful lot like religions. Stalin and Mao were hardly the first men to portray themselves as demi-gods. It is, in fact, one of the most ancient justifications of power humans have ever developed.