What Paul is talking about is very similar to what Jesus meant when he spoke of a branch cutting itself off from the source of its life. It is also the lesson of the story of Adam and Eve. When we sin we separate ourselves from the life giving source of goodness. That means our beings become susceptible to all manner of evil. If we sin and do not reconcile with God through grace we remain vulnerable to evil in a way that we have no protection against its incursion. To commit sin and not seek reconciliation can and, over time, will result in what Paul is talking about. The reason he knows that is because he witnessed it among the Corinthians and other groups he visited. He also knew from personal experience.I’ve asked you many times to read the entire epistle, and you did not. So, tomorrow in Mass sit next to a lesbian Catholic and tell her your belief that Paul was talking about her when he wrote “they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God** for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles**.”
Then tell her your belief that Paul was talking about her when he said they “have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.”
And that’s without even going on to chapter two. So according to you, Paul thought lesbian Catholics worship idols and are full of murder.
And according to you he blurted that out at the start of the long argument in the epistle which has nothing to do with lesbians whatsoever.
Now that’s as far off-topic as I’m willing to go, if you want to resurrect that topic then start a thread and I may join in.
Jesus had a parable about a man who sweeps his house of one evil spirit but ends up, because of sin, being in a worse state when a troop of them come back to wreck his house. He became filled with, as Paul might say, “every kind of wickedness.”
We do not grasp the reality and power that evil can have over us. By remaining in sin we remain ripe for evil to enter and decimate us spiritually. Why do you think God would have to become man, be crucified and die a horrific death? It wasn’t over some trifling matter I can assure you. It was to counter the far-reaching grip of evil. By continuing to commit sinful acts, every person is on the edge of falling into the pit of evil characterized in Paul’s words. Think also of the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus makes a point of claiming that even our thoughts are liable to judgement. According to this teaching, our mind and spirit can have murderous thoughts and be filled with all kind of malice, and that makes us guilty of all those evils. Someone may look clean and congenial on the outside but are "whited sepulchres” inside.
Try posting a contentious comment on a gay friendly web forum and you’ll get an earful of malice and hostility. Anyone who places their entire identity, how they view themselves, upon how and why they obtain pleasure, any pleasure, have short-circuited themselves spiritually. They will pay spiritually and mentally for their narcissism in gradually increasing tolls.