I remember catching a mucous-laden northern pike that was not as slippery as you are in your posts. This might also explain why you think Haydock is too dry; your first line of defense preferences being decidedly more gelatinousJust read what’s written and leave aside my ham-fisted attempt to explain.
The only online Catholic commentary I know of is Haydock, who is too dry for me, but he says things like:
*Ver. 18. For the word of the cross. That is, the preaching that the Son of God, both God and man, died nailed to an infamous cross, is folly, is looked upon as ridiculous and incredible, by all obstinate unbelievers that perish: but it is received as the work of God, and an effect of his divine power, by such as are saved. (Witham)
Ver. 19-20. I will destroy the wisdom of the wise. I will confound the false and mistaken wisdom of the great and wise philosophers, of the learned doctors or scribes, of the curious searchers of the secrets of nature.*
Surely you can see Paul’s point here, it’s not rocket science?
Well good, do it.