If one makes a proposition about the objective, external reality, what is the method to use to decide the “truth”-value of that proposition? I know only one such method: “to compare the proposition to the external reality”. If the proposition correctly describes reality, then it is “true”. Otherwise, it is “false”. The process of comparison implies “empiricism”. What else?However, I think far too many people believe that empiricism is the only sure epistemological method (bar maths and logic).
What would those “all sorts of” methods be? (We are only dealing with the objective reality, not the subjective assessments about it. A subjective proposition; for example: “chocolate ice-cream is better than vanilla” does not have an objective “true/false” value associated with it. As the saying goes: “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”.)Its obviously a problematic position, since we have all sorts of knowledge that are not based on these methods.