There is something called psychological time, which is our perception of time, and it’s far from clockwork (it goes faster when we’re having fun, etc.).ok I see it differently and don’t think its this
personally (i’m not much of a scientist myself and this view comes from my philosophy) I believe space and time have no real essense no real existence. It is simply a measurment of matter in the universe and how it interacts with objects around it. Time is merley a figment of our imagination. Light tends to move slower closer to bigger objects, its not that time actually slows down and some exsting thing called time actually is effected by gravity. Rather it appears that time is shifted because of the amazing size and depth of the universe and how gravity effects the speed and travel of everything.
The two clocks analogy or rule or something. AKA if you put a clock on the 100th floor and a clock on the 1st floor they will act differently, they will move at different rates. Someone who travels at the speed of light will age less then someone who is on earth. While I can’t explain this phenemon I don’t think its because space and time have real existence in the world.
This is kinda a tangent to the thread but it kinda went with your post. I’m trying to show that I think matter is kinda the basis, or atoms or string or something is the basis of all science. There is something in the universe that is the constant in all thing and that is what science studies theorizes observes, etc. This thing is finite and not infinite. Everything must have a sufficent reason either initself or in something else. Everything finite can’t have its reason inself because it would be impossile for that thing to exist if it had to cause itself. (how can something non existing cause itself to exist, its absurd to think its possible)
so the analogy
what is the orgin of matter?
you have two options
its either matter (which would be absurd)
or something outside of matter (which by the process of elimination is necessitated) you would be outside the realms of science.
Matter may not be the most basic thing in the universe maybe in science all things can be reduced to space and time. If so all I would change in my question to you is what is the orgin of space and time.
My whole point to this long post is that Science can’t be the only knowledge. There must be other areas of knowledge. Science can’t explain everything because it can’t explain the origin of the thing it studies.
People like Dawkins Hitchens, etc. (the new atheist) are scientific reductionist and they fail to realize that science can’t explain everything known to man, but they think it can. They are great scientist but they don’t know philosophy.
Since space, time, energy and mass are linked in E = mc[sup]2[/sup], they must all be as real as each other. Alberti can correct me, but logically I think their appearance in that same equation means that at some level they must all be the same, in other words in the singularity of the big bang they were all one kind of “proto-stuff”.
But I think we need to learn more about these things before asking the bigger questions, and I believe we should admit that plainly.
Whether a speculation comes from philosophers or scientists, if it can’t be tested it can remain no more than speculation, it’s not really knowledge.
Our children or great-grandchildren will know more, but meanwhile I’ve always liked psalm 131:
My heart is not proud, Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
But I have calmed and quieted myself,
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content.
Israel, put your hope in the Lord
both now and forevermore.*