well, it seems to me that inocente has been saying precisely this…Please forgive me for “butting in”, but to my best knowledge, NO one says that. After all the (deductive) axiomatic systems do not need empirical verification. Of course if they are applied to the objective reality, that is a different issue, then the predictions must be verified.

we are in complete agreement here. crazy, huh?On the other hand it is true that all knowledge started with empirical observation - and this process started at the dawn of history, when the cavemen were anything but “philosophers”.The phrase “Nihil est in intellectu quod non prius fuerit in sensu” might be commonplace, but it is still true. Even the most abstract concept of “numbers” started with observing that “two apples are more than one apple”. Many simple people were unable to step beyond this, and for them the only numbers are: “one, two and many”.