Well if someone discovered a material epistimologic method for identifying the spiritual that would be guaranteed to produce results and have them repeated Im sure we’d see the evidence. However, we are dealing with spiritual beings, which have their own intellect and will, they are not static objects that will behave the same everytime and give the same results. I personally believe we have methods, like fasting, sincere prayer, selflessness, for interaction with the spiritual realm. Have you tried them?And the reason for that is very simple… science has an incredibly good “track record”.
People make all sorts of bad starts, bad hypotheses, incorrect explanations - but since nothing is sacred, and everything is up for criticism, and because the scientists are also fallible people with all sorts of “despicable” attitudes - like jealousy and envy - they will try to poke holes into their colleague’s pet theory, and eventually, someone will come up with a theory, which will withstand the relentless attacks, will prove to be good enough to keep - at least temporarily, until someone comes up with something better.
The good reason for the optimism is precisely that good track record. What you call “cop out” is actually an intellectually honest admission of the current ignorance and the expression of a well deserved optimism.
What can you bring up in your “defense”? I keep asking about the epistemological method to find out if the propositions of religion are true of false, and all I get is evasion and silence. There is no reason to trust the claims of religion, precisely because there is no objective epistemological method to separate the “wheat” from the “chaff”. How can you “prove” that there are demons, who cause physical illnesses? Or guardian angels, who are supposed to protect people?
Secondly, just because we may lack method for physically unveiling that which is spiritual right now, does not negate the existence of a spiritual realm. Think of cave men… they at that point lacked espistomologic scientific methods for unveiling the truth about the material world, but that never meant the material world was never real, it just meant they didnt have the methods to unveil the many truths about the material world.