Well, I think the body adds an additional aspect to it. It implies everlasting physical torment, and so therefore unnecessary and external.
I’m having trouble understanding the distinction, in this case, between Hell with a body and Hell at all. If it’s unjust for God to punish a sentient body with painful stimuli for eternity because the length of time is disproportionate to the time spent committing the deserving offense, then it would seem to me that it’s just as unjust to punish a spirit for eternity, or to punish anything forever, for that matter.How does that one small circle of choices result in the FOREVER of punishment?
Yes, the physical world is like an echo of the spiritual world; the whole point of our current world is to produce souls for heaven; thus our life on earth is like a womb that is giving birth to souls for the heavenly kingdom of God. In our life on earth in the world, we are either sanctifying ourselves through sanctifying grace, or we are demonizing ourselves by rejecting God’s grace through sin. Remember, the fallen angels fell from grace and became wicked spirits.So if it’s really the next like that is our real destiny, then it seems odd that this small spec of our existence should forever determine the pain we receive. As if God creates knowing creatures will choose their own eternal misery.
Suppose I see a stranger being bullied, and I run up with my smartphone and start recording. This intimidates the bully who then retreats. The victim then rewards me with a gift or a favor.How can one act of virtue equate to never-ending bliss and joy?
And yet it does. One decision, one act, can bring someone to Heaven.
Suppose instead that I get angry with someone and backhand them. A cop sees this and arrests me. I get fined for it.
Is the gift/reward analogous to the punishment?
Does the fact that I didn’t have a legal claim to be rewarded for helping one man, mean I ought not to be punished for hitting the other man?
Hell is not an “extra” punishment. Hell is what we deserve if we defy God and refuse to repent and turn back to Him.