Why do these heretics do it?

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“I didn’t buy these drugs, your honor. I merely made a monetary donation to this gentleman on the street and he gifted me half a kilo.” 😉
Exactly! And they even gave certificates of an indulgence to the person “donating”.

In fact, an indulgence cannot BE sold, it is an impossibility. What can be effected is an abuse of the teaching of the Church.
Wouldn’t it be fair to say that Catholics would also not be satisfied until everyone accepted Catholic thinking?
No need. Everyone who is in heaven will be Catholic. 😃

Of course we believe that what was given to us by the Apostles is the fullness of faith, and all Catholics should be invested in bringing Christ to the world, but every Catholic should also be fullly satisfied and content in Christ, and have no anxiety for anything.
Wouldn’t it be fair to say that followers of Jesus in the first century, like the Apostles, would have been considered heretics from the perspective of the Jewish rulers at that time?
Without a doubt!
And since we’re reaching back to what some non-Catholics did several centuries ago would you say that how Catholics did it back then differs greatly than how they do it now?
I think the leadership is certainly much more pure. We don’t have priests going into the ministry with political and economic ambitions, as there was before the Reformation. We have been blessed with very holy popes in the last 100 years.

Since Vat. 2 I would say that more Catholics are able to talk about their faith and participate more in their faith communities. There has been more of an emphasis on finding one’s gifts and putting them to use.
The paradigm of liberation has beckoned many down such a path. Indeed, it crops up at least once every century in every major area of human endeavor. One might even suppose, that if eutopia ever became a reality, there would emerge those who wish to be free of it.
To a degree, yes. But I think Catholics typically go about it differently (sometimes to a fault)
How would you say Catholics and non-Catholics differently go about trying to get everyone else to follow their line of thinking? And since we’re reaching back to what some non-Catholics did several centuries ago would you say that how Catholics did it back then differs greatly than how they do it now?
Because when Catholic typically did it in the past, it was the clergy and religious orders going on mission to convert the nations.

It wasn’t John Doe Layman standing on the corner saying “convert or burn.”

Lay people typically only working on evangelizing their family and/or close friends. But the evangelization of the nations was often left to Religious Orders on mission.

Today, lay Catholics are getting into street evangelization and other kinds of evangelization thanks to the New Evangelization. But we do it with love and joy.

Their is no trickery or sly techniques being used. For example: while we might invite a non-Catholic to Mass, we typically do not invite them to a fellowship event which is designed to covertly attempt to convert people.

God Bless
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