They have a personal hate and grudge against God or HIs Church, and they are inspired by the devil to turn people astray
Because like all activists, they are not satisfied until everyone accepts their way of thinking.You would think that if people like Arius, Luther and Calvin wanted to veer off with their own beliefs why don’t they just stop there, why do they always have to vehemently spread their heresies and drag people down with them?
They believed they were teaching the true Gospel. Luther and Calvin, at least, felt a moral obligation to reveal to the world what they thought the CC had kept hidden about the Gospel.You would think that if people like Arius, Luther and Calvin wanted to veer off with their own beliefs why don’t they just stop there, why do they always have to vehemently spread their heresies and drag people down with them?
Indulgences cannot be sold. They could never be sold. What was abolished was the accepting of a monetary donation toward an indulgence, so that there was left an appearance that it had been "sold’.Within 50 years of Luther, the selling of indulgences was abolished by the Pope.
At least in Luther’s case, since the Church would not acquiesce to his innovative beliefs, he declared the pope to be the antichrist and completely remade Jesus as a mini-me Luther.They believed they were teaching the true Gospel. Luther and Calvin, at least, felt a moral obligation to reveal to the world what they thought the CC had kept hidden about the Gospel.
Indulgences cannot be sold. They could never be sold. What was abolished was the accepting of a monetary donation toward an indulgence, so that there was left an appearance that it had been "sold’.
The evil one knows extremely well which massive egos to appeal to.
The practice reeked of simony, so it was abolished.Isn’t this just kind of a shady way at getting around the idea of selling indulgences, without actually committing simony?
In Luther’s defense, he did try to address the preachers that were out collecting money at the expense of the faithful, and he did take his problem to the local bishop and cardinal. They just blew him off. One has to wonder how things might have been different if they had taken his complaints more seriously.I know the Catholic Church Herself never accepted the practice and that it was the ordained who did these things.
“I didn’t buy these drugs, your honor. I merely made a monetary donation to this gentleman on the street and he gifted me half a kilo.”Indulgences cannot be sold. They could never be sold. What was abolished was the accepting of a monetary donation toward an indulgence, so that there was left an appearance that it had been "sold’.
Wouldn’t it be fair to say that Catholics would also not be satisfied until everyone accepted Catholic thinking?[Because like all activists, they are not satisfied until everyone accepts their way of thinking.
To a degree, yes. But I think Catholics typically go about it differently (sometimes to a fault)phil19034:![]()
Wouldn’t it be fair to say that Catholics would also not be satisfied until everyone accepted Catholic thinking?[Because like all activists, they are not satisfied until everyone accepts their way of thinking.
Wouldn’t it be fair to say that followers of Jesus in the first century, like the Apostles, would have been considered heretics from the perspective of the Jewish rulers at that time?
How would you say Catholics and non-Catholics differently go about trying to get everyone else to follow their line of thinking? And since we’re reaching back to what some non-Catholics did several centuries ago would you say that how Catholics did it back then differs greatly than how they do it now?To a degree, yes. But I think Catholics typically go about it differently (sometimes to a fault)