Hi everyone,
I am what my father calls a “lapsed Catholic”. I was raised strictly Catholic for my first 17 years. I am now 32, married to the perfect woman, excellent stable job, perfect health, stress free lifestyle, great house, cars, etc… and completely Godless and religion-free. Sunday comes and Sunday goes. My question is “Why do I need a belief in God and a religion to follow?” …
Great question!!!So help me out here, Is the lifestyle I’m leading fine for me or am I missing out somewhere?
I too have everything and yet have not arrived. House, cars, dogs, new baby, great wife, high paying job, vacation time, health, friends, golf, books, wine, food, expensive toys, anything I want. By all measures I am among the wealthiest and most educated people in the world.
Of late however (I’m 40), having achieved all my material goals, I am finding myself asking my wife, “Why don’t we sell it all and give the money to the poor?”.
I am beginning to find my life shallow and meaningless. I want more meaning and this can only be found in helping the poor, attending to the sick, sheltering the homeless, adopting children, caring for the elderly. This is where the meaning is.
I believe that I will also find God and His Son and the Spirit in these new activities.
My suggestion to you is to find a charity that you like, and give significantly to its cause for the care of your soul.:clapping:
Take care,