Why does America always have an "enemy?"

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Donā€™t you remember GWBā€™s answer to that question, in his own inimitable manner: ā€œThey hate us for our freedom.ā€

The black-and-white mindset of ā€œusā€ against ā€œthemā€ and ā€œgoodā€ against ā€œevilā€ is often very psychologically reassuring, especially when ā€œG-d is on our side.ā€

Note to estesbob: Bush in post #4.

Who do you think should be blamed for King Davadā€™s wars (c1000 BC)? The Bushes? The human race has had wars for about as long as there has been around. OBTH Hitler and Stalin also ā€˜held things togatherā€™ while murdering over thirty million of their own people. :eek:
If you dig far enough you will find Bush and Fox news at the root of all evil
My point is simply that the Muslim extremists are going to die out without a whimper.
We still have the tree huggers and the environmentalists and I am sure
there are still plenty of hippies to be found.
If you dig far enough you will find Bush and Fox news at the root of all evil
Are you saying that Judes was a Bush or working for Fox News in AD 33? Was Stalin and Hitler working for Fox News or were they Bushes? Or was George Hanover (ā€œGeorge IIIā€) was a Bush? :confused: šŸ˜›
If they die out, they will try to do it with a few A Bombs by the way of Iran. and North Korea. :rolleyes:
Have faith in God and know that He will bring good out of any evil which He allows. My point: Donā€™t fear!
I have not forgoten two jet planes flying into the World Trade Center Sept. 11, 2001. We were attacked that day on our own soil. If you can find a better place that the US maybe they just might be glad to use you for their own perposes. šŸ¤·
So, all that preparation did nothing to deter a determined terrorist. And, ever since then, regular citizens are raped at airports, have their conversations recorded, and now they want to shoot at citizens from drones. Who are they protecting again?

Christus resurrexit!
You mean that the murder of over thirty million people (between Nezi Germany and the USSR) was all Eisenhauerā€™s fauilt? As for the ā€˜Bush dynastyā€™, how about the ā€˜Adems dynastyā€™? Or the ā€˜Roosavelte dynastyā€™? Both of those families had two in the White House and Clentons are trying to get noumber two in now. šŸ¤·
If you count all the proxy wars that the US instigated, it has the blood of millions in its hands. Think of it as a Hitler or Stalin wannabe with better marketing.

Christus resurrexit!
If you count all the proxy wars that the US instigated, it has the blood of millions in its hands. Think of it as a Hitler or Stalin wannabe with better marketing.

Christus resurrexit!
How do you reconcile living in such an evil country?
Oh boy the Bushes, 4 generations of war profiteering! This thread is not the place for their sordid history. After reading about them, I pretty much gave up about politics in general. You have to be a war monger if you are conservative and a libertine if on the left, no middle ground for true values.
The US meddling in the Middle East is the CAUSE of the rats coming out of the woodwork. Saddam may have been a tyrant, the same with Gaddafi, but they were holding things together. Freedom to die, right, about 100,000! WMDā€™s, oh sure! Who brought in lethal spent uranium, poisoning large swaths of the country of Iraq enough to last for another million or so years.
I gave up. The ONLY thing important to me is God. ā€œPlace not your trust in men.ā€ For sure not politicians with moneyed interests like Halliburton. Donā€™t get me startedā€¦
About 6 months ago, in a SMALL article in the news, it was noted our soldiers were digging for weapons which they do and found some. Their skin started to blister. They got SOB, etc. These were symptoms of mustard gas. The shells had been cracked and contents leaked out. The dosage they got must have been smaller than lethal w the leakage as none died that I know of. But they did suffer. So, after 3 months of telling Sadam we were coming, long enough for him to hide WMD, we are finding them. Donā€™t forget Syria was using them when they were, finally, vexed enough w their insurgents.
You will slur Bushes and believe Sadam and Syria?? Curious. War is hell. We paid the ultimate price. Jason would say," I fight for the freedom of those to disagree. I hate war, too." He was 24yo. Three more died w him and they were 19yo. Donā€™t forget the Iraqi children that the bomber killed w them. They have no morals. They were getting candy from the GIā€™s. The last moment of their lives were filled w smiles. God bless our soldiers. Remember to pray for them. If ISIS has its way there will be no borders. We will all be Muslims. That is what the Caliphate is.Muslim Prophecy: When all the Muslim states are in disorder (the Arab spring) that is the time when the great Mahadi will appear=the 12th prophet and the Caliphate will rule. Google it. 12th prophet. We as Christians have our prophecy w the second coming of Jesus. Come Lord Jesus Come. May we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will raise us up. Forgive us Father for our confusions and attitudes out of alignment w yours and have mercy on our souls.
in Christsā€™love

That is our Judeo-Christian ethics. Kill no one-feed everyone. If in a war, help rebuild. We are friends w Japan and Germany. Could you sit by and let 6 million Jews get annihilated?
Have you visited the Arizona. There was a second ship partially sunk and you could hear knocking, they tried to get to them but couldnā€™t and they had to triage them and let them go.
See TORA,TORA,TORA It is Japanā€™s view point of the war. The question is did America know about the attack. They moved the air craft carriers out of port. The attack would pull our hearts into the war. NEVER FORGET PEARL HARBOR. NEVER FORGET BENGHAZI. There are Naziā€™s still in Germany-small percentage. We have Naziā€™s here. There are Japanese who are not fond of loosing their honor. How do you forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki?? Nor should we. Anti-Semitism is on the rise in France and Russia. This canā€™t start again. They are not Christ killers. Jesus said," No one takes my life. I lay it down for you." Jesus was a Jew.
There is evil. It is in all of us. It is called hate and anger. It is in the church. Judas was the example of the 12 apostles. 11 good apostles and 1 rotten egg. There will be sin.
Father what you wish us to learn and live, let us learn. I still cannot go as a lamb to the slaughter. Psalm 63ā€“Let the enemy see your most precious, wounded face and let them flee. Save your children in the mid=east. Save your chosen people.
In Christsā€™ love
How do you reconcile living in such an evil country?
7 Sorrows is this your way of asking Augustine if he feels this way, why is he staying here?
May Christ open our eyes to the truth which is not always innocent but not all evil. There is even love of country in some of the hearts w love of money w love of oil. Everything is not ALL BAD OR ALL EVIL. to Augustine.
7 Sorrows is this your way of asking Augustine if he feels this way, why is he staying here?
May Christ open our eyes to the truth which is not always innocent but not all evil. There is even love of country in some of the hearts w love of money w love of oil. Everything is not ALL BAD OR ALL EVIL. to Augustine.
Yes. If he is so repulsed by the evil he thinks our country has committed, how does he reconcile living in the United States? So hopefully he can answer the question for me.
About 6 months ago, in a SMALL article in the news, it was noted our soldiers were digging for weapons which they do and found some. Their skin started to blister. They got SOB, etc. These were symptoms of mustard gas. The shells had been cracked and contents leaked out. The dosage they got must have been smaller than lethal w the leakage as none died that I know of. But they did suffer. So, after 3 months of telling Sadam we were coming, long enough for him to hide WMD, we are finding them. Donā€™t forget Syria was using them when they were, finally, vexed enough w their insurgents.
You will slur Bushes and believe Sadam and Syria?? Curious. War is hell. We paid the ultimate price. Jason would say," I fight for the freedom of those to disagree. I hate war, too." He was 24yo. Three more died w him and they were 19yo.
Some soldiers in Iraq feel they were horribly lied to and misused:

Other soldiers whose lives were ruined do not find anything funny in GWB joking about missing WMDā€™s: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJQS3eLSXgA

There are many articles now on the web about the horror unleashed by depleted uranium which is FAR WORSE than any mustard gas. I am not citing any articles with pictures with is enough to make lose sleep and one throw up for a month.

ā€œDr. Samira Alani actually visited with doctors in Japan, comparing statistics, and found that the amount of congenital malformations in Fallujah is 14 times greater than the same rate measured in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in the aftermath of the nuclear bombings. These types of birth defects, she saidā€”there are types of congenital malformations that she said they donā€™t even have medical terms for, that some of the things theyā€™re seeing, theyā€™ve never seen before. Theyā€™re not in any of the books or any of the scientific literature that they have access to. She said itā€™s common now in Fallujah for newborns to come out with massive multiple systemic defects, immune problems, massive central nervous system problems, massive heart problems, skeletal disorders, babyā€™s being born with two heads, babies being born with half of their internal organs outside of their bodies, cyclops babies literally with one eyeā€”really, really, really horrific nightmarish types of birth defects. And it is ongoing.ā€

BTW, Halliburton (of which Cheney was CEO) made BILLIONS during this war.
I am a veteran. I freely raised my hand and swore to protect this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. But i was very young and gullible in 1973. Now i am mich wiser, and do not wrap myself in the flag and yell 'Merica every time another comflict of our own creation comes along. I have studied history. I know the realities of how this country was formed, by whom, and which principles were used to frame the constitution and the bill of rights. Franklin was a Mason, as was Washington and Revere. The wealthy and powerful have always controlled the government, and always will. The US has been meddling in other governments affairs since Theodore Roosevelt. Lincoln manipulated the constitution as did Jackson. The idea that this nation was particularly blessed is inacurate. This nation, with its raw materials and land mass was easily designed to be a world power. Unfortunately people with non moral methods and ideas have used this wealth to do evil things. Not all has been bad, obviously, but ask an american indian if they got a raw deal. Or a black. Or an average southerner coming out of reconstruction. Or an Irish, Polish or Italian immigrant working in a coal mine, or garment factory, or in one of Carnegies factories. Or the children that worked in textile mills in my beloved south. I have no misconceptions about this country. I understand the oportunities presented, but i also know that we have squandered the blessings we have been given. And we are spiraling downward now that we have abandoned morality. I learned long ago to trust God alone. And to give my allegiance to Christ the King. Not manmade governments controlled by egoistic people with mostly carnal goals.
Oftentimes I believe the MASS media is the enemy of America. In other words, America is its own enemy.

Why? Is there any truthful answer? Probably not, notwithstanding national security schemes and scams.
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