The very name of the website is ‘Right Wing News’. The reason I asked for a source is when I did Google it the first website I saw was a partisan news source. The article doesn’t provide much details. Like I said WMDs could be sawed off shotguns. They could also be chemicals that could be used to kill people. The US is full of containers of such chemicals. I would never say Sadam had no WMDs. Because WMDs is a vague term and by themselves not wrong for a state to have. The issue is more was he an imminent threat to people. Were such claims credible.
Indeed. Just like the US government dropped nukes near Savannah, GA and Goldsboro, NC. In both cases a nuclear bomb remains in the ground. People are still getting killed by unexploded bombs dropped on Germany during WWII. People are still getting killed by munitions from WWI. Unfortunate farmers still run into them. War is a terrible thing. Invading Iraq is no different.
Grabbed the first site I saw, but there are others. There were chemical weapons found in Iraq long after the Iraq War, Phase II. Some were found very recently. There is some question whether ISIS got its hands on any of them or not.
War is indeed a terrible thing. So is a ruler who kills a million people wantonly, like Saddam Hussein did.
But again. If you could put him back in power, would you? Nobody who hates Bush and condemns the second phase of the war ever says they would. Possibly you’ll be the first to say it.
But it doesn’t matter now because Iraq is the possibly perpetual battlefield between Sunni terrorists and Iranian terrorists. Hard to know which, if either, will prevail. Presently, however, ISIS is nowhere near as powerful as Saddam was. Iran is trying to run the war largely through its proxies, and that isn’t working out too well either. But one of these times Iran will probably commit its regular armed forces and THEN we’ll see a world war, or at least a regional conflagration.
Bush had Iraq at peace. Obama consigned it to war. That’s as plain as plain gets and even Obama’s own CIA director admitted that.
The U.S. did not “drop” nuclear bombs as you assert. Both were accidental. One was destroyed by its TNT trigger, and it looks like the other was just found. Neither, of course, was armed for nuclear detonation. But that has nothing to do with whether Saddam Hussein had WMD. Of course he did. That’s just a known fact.
Let’s see, here’s an entirely different cache from the one the Brits destroyed. Don’t like “right wing news”, here’s the New York Times.