Why does God even forgive the worse of sinners?

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Society does not. The natural world does not. There are consequences for all of our actions. It is easy to think just because we do not commit the very serious sins, that we are good people. What about the evil people, the racists, the rapists, the thieves, do they still deserve kindness and respect? Most of us choose to isolate ourselves from them FOR GOOD REASONS, THEY WILL SCREW YOU OVER NO MATTER WHAT. I just do not understand how or why God would forgive them.
Because God IS love…
Society does not. The natural world does not. There are consequences for all of our actions. It is easy to think just because we do not commit the very serious sins, that we are good people. What about the evil people, the racists, the rapists, the thieves, do they still deserve kindness and respect? Most of us choose to isolate ourselves from them FOR GOOD REASONS, THEY WILL SCREW YOU OVER NO MATTER WHAT. I just do not understand how or why God would forgive them.
If we ever have any hope that God will forgive us for our sins we must forgive those who ‘trespass against us’. God has taught us about forgiveness consistently most appropriately through the Lord’s Prayer.
We are human and fallible,we will make many mistakes.It is not for us to decide which sins or mistakes are worse than others or if they should be forgiven only God can, but we must strive to be as Christ-like as possible.
I suggest reading and re-reading and meditating on the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15). Without understanding the meaning of this parable, nothing else in our faith will make any sense.
Thanks Coach!!
If we ever have any hope that God will forgive us for our sins we must forgive those who ‘trespass against us’. God has taught us about forgiveness consistently most appropriately through the Lord’s Prayer.
We are human and fallible,we will make many mistakes.It is not for us to decide which sins or mistakes are worse than others or if they should be forgiven only God can, but we must strive to be as Christ-like as possible.
Absolutely. Also, the OP is assuming that there is never repentance. By virtue of repentance, the sinner ceases to sin, or at least makes a conscious effort to refrain from sin and sinful things, That means: they got the memo. They are living as God would have them live, in harmony with everything.
In the Act of Contrition we sinners pray: " *I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasions of sin. *"

Sounds like intent to do good from that point forward. That exactly what God asks us to acknowledge and do.
Turn away from sin, and be faithful to the Gospel.

In what way? The Catholic Church teaches that we have mortal sin and venial sin.
Example: A carpenter is building a house and fails to recheck math for houses stability. This failure results in the house collapsing and killing the family inside.

Venial sin: A carpenter unknowingly misses a recheck in math.
Mortal sin: A carpenter rushes, knows he needs to recheck the math, decides not to.
Mortal sin: A carpenter purposely crafts a house to collapse and kill the residing family.
All examples result in the loss of a family, and a grieving community. In leveticus, this example is given. The carpenter is exiled to accomidate the grieving family and friends.

All sin is equal, in the eyes of God.
Society does not. The natural world does not. There are consequences for all of our actions. It is easy to think just because we do not commit the very serious sins, that we are good people. What about the evil people, the racists, the rapists, the thieves, do they still deserve kindness and respect? Most of us choose to isolate ourselves from them FOR GOOD REASONS, THEY WILL SCREW YOU OVER NO MATTER WHAT. I just do not understand how or why God would forgive them.
Well for God to forgive them they must be repentant and seek forgiveness. Should God deny forgiveness to those who are truly repentant and ask for it?

Perhaps if you could see yourself as God sees us --you might realize that the distance between even the worst sinners and the “average” sinner is not that great when you compare it to the distance between God and us. Gods perfection is so far above any “perfection” we can achieve–a better question might be how can God forgive any of us? I think this is one of the secrets of the saints–they know how great a sinner they are even though we think they are great saints.

We must guard against the temptation to see ourselves as not very great sinners because we think well we’re not as bad as Dick, Jane, Sally or Spot. That is only by the worlds standards and we will be judged by a different standard–so we should be thankful that God will forgive any one who is repentant and who asks.

The Peace of Christ,

Example: A carpenter is building a house and fails to recheck math for houses stability. This failure results in the house collapsing and killing the family inside.

Venial sin: A carpenter unknowingly misses a recheck in math.
Mortal sin: A carpenter rushes, knows he needs to recheck the math, decides not to.
Mortal sin: A carpenter purposely crafts a house to collapse and kill the residing family.
All examples result in the loss of a family, and a grieving community. In leveticus, this example is given. The carpenter is exiled to accomidate the grieving family and friends.

All sin is equal, in the eyes of God.
What you say does not make sense unless I misunderstand you.

Are you saying that mortal sins and venial sins are equal in the eyes of God?

Example: A carpenter is building a house and fails to recheck math for houses stability. This failure results in the house collapsing and killing the family inside.

Venial sin: A carpenter unknowingly misses a recheck in math.
Mortal sin: A carpenter rushes, knows he needs to recheck the math, decides not to.
Mortal sin: A carpenter purposely crafts a house to collapse and kill the residing family.
All examples result in the loss of a family, and a grieving community. In leveticus, this example is given. The carpenter is exiled to accomidate the grieving family and friends.

All sin is equal, in the eyes of God.
So is sin independent of intent and only dependent on the outcome?

Suppose you’re an old, blind pedestrian planning to cross the street, You see a blind person trying to cross the street. Now too far away you see a car that’s going at 100 km/h on ice which is trying to stop but you know it won’t stop on time. The sound is beeping, telling the blind person to walk so he starts walking. You jump and push him away from the car but instead, you accidentally crush his ribs and caused him to bleed to death.

If you left him alone, he would have certainly died. If you were to save him, you know there’s a chance he will live. Unfortunately, he died.

So in both cases, he died. Do you think God will consider trying to save the person as a sin? If we supposed that they were both, indeed sins, do you think God would see the sins in the same way?

Suppose you’re beside an old, blind pedestrian planning to cross the street.

Sorry for any confusion.
Absolutely. Also, the OP is assuming that there is never repentance. By virtue of repentance, the sinner ceases to sin, or at least makes a conscious effort to refrain from sin and sinful things, That means: they got the memo. They are living as God would have them live, in harmony with everything.
In the Act of Contrition we sinners pray: " *I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasions of sin. *"

Sounds like intent to do good from that point forward. That exactly what God asks us to acknowledge and do.
Turn away from sin, and be faithful to the Gospel.
👍 Spot on!
So is sin independent of intent and only dependent on the outcome?

Suppose you’re an old, blind pedestrian planning to cross the street, You see a blind person trying to cross the street. Now too far away you see a car that’s going at 100 km/h on ice which is trying to stop but you know it won’t stop on time. The sound is beeping, telling the blind person to walk so he starts walking. You jump and push him away from the car but instead, you accidentally crush his ribs and caused him to bleed to death.

If you left him alone, he would have certainly died. If you were to save him, you know there’s a chance he will live. Unfortunately, he died.

So in both cases, he died. Do you think God will consider trying to save the person as a sin? If we supposed that they were both, indeed sins, do you think God would see the sins in the same way?
The outcome of sin (venial/mortal) will still have the same result. Intention playes into personal judgement with God to determine where they get to spend eternity. Until man is making peace with his creator, he is left to make peace with his fellow brother here and now. In my example (provided in the Bible by leveticus : venial sin of a careless carpenter) the families grieving relatives needed intervention with their grief and asked for a judge to allow a way for justice (here and now). His ruling was exile to protect the carpenter (from hurt relatives & friends).

Blogger, pianistclare, explained personal intentions relating to sin very well. To understand stand sin, yes, we need to study these roles (intent & outcome) together. God already has it figured out, we are forming our conscience when we consider these to stive to be more pleasing to God.

In your example, yes God is hurt by all sin equally. His mercy and judgement with each of us is a gift. We can recieve this gift here & now in confession … And our final judgement. Idk about you, but I like the here and now to make peace with my creator … For what is in my thoughts, deeds, what I have done, and what I have failed to do (the confessor prayer)
Society does not. The natural world does not. There are consequences for all of our actions. It is easy to think just because we do not commit the very serious sins, that we are good people. What about the evil people, the racists, the rapists, the thieves, do they still deserve kindness and respect? Most of us choose to isolate ourselves from them FOR GOOD REASONS, THEY WILL SCREW YOU OVER NO MATTER WHAT. I just do not understand how or why God would forgive them.
Of course you don’t, I don’t really either. My mind is not capable of thinking like God’s and having His perspective vice my human one. I can however, read the scriptures and the teaching of the Church and accept what His guidance to us. But I’m still not going to fully understand Him and His ways.
Society does not. The natural world does not. There are consequences for all of our actions. It is easy to think just because we do not commit the very serious sins, that we are good people. What about the evil people, the racists, the rapists, the thieves, do they still deserve kindness and respect? Most of us choose to isolate ourselves from them FOR GOOD REASONS, THEY WILL SCREW YOU OVER NO MATTER WHAT. I just do not understand how or why God would forgive them.
Society does not?

Michael Jackson was most likely a child molester, Roman Polanski, (Child) Michael Vick,(dog) Mike Tyson (rape) Bill Clinton (adultery, etc.) Countless Drug addicts that are famous, Even OJ has a following.

Society forgives everything, the worst of the worst. What it does not forgive is white racism, and religious beliefs that are christian.
Society does not. The natural world does not. There are consequences for all of our actions. It is easy to think just because we do not commit the very serious sins, that we are good people. What about the evil people, the racists, the rapists, the thieves, do they still deserve kindness and respect? Most of us choose to isolate ourselves from them FOR GOOD REASONS, THEY WILL SCREW YOU OVER NO MATTER WHAT. I just do not understand how or why God would forgive them.
God will only forgive them when they have repented of their sins. And there is a temporal punishment that He attaches to each sin an sinner commits. God is all-fair. God bless you.
Society does not?

Michael Jackson was most likely a child molester, Roman Polanski, (Child) Michael Vick,(dog) Mike Tyson (rape) Bill Clinton (adultery, etc.) Countless Drug addicts that are famous, Even OJ has a following.

Society forgives everything, the worst of the worst. What it does not forgive is white racism, and religious beliefs that are christian.
Those people are rich and famous. If they were poor, I do not think they would be forgiven.
Those people are rich and famous. If they were poor, I do not think they would be forgiven.
regardless, society does not hold grudges. At all. Victims may, but society does not. I used to teach at a CC, and I can tell you that crimes, are almost a badge of honor, a way to say, I have been there and am trying to better myself. In a classroom of 40 peeple someone would always stand up and introduce themselves and say something like they had just gotten out of prison for involuntary manslaughter DUI, people would accept them (a murderer) even more than someone who was just a regular joe. And in some cases if the person was homeschooled or had an obvious religious tilt, they were vilified and looked down upon. Unless of course the person was Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, or wiccan, then they were a moral authority expert on all things:rolleyes:
regardless, society does not hold grudges. At all. Victims may, but society does not. I used to teach at a CC, and I can tell you that crimes, are almost a badge of honor, a way to say, I have been there and am trying to better myself. In a classroom of 40 peeple someone would always stand up and introduce themselves and say something like they had just gotten out of prison for involuntary manslaughter DUI, people would accept them (a murderer) even more than someone who was just a regular joe. And in some cases if the person was homeschooled or had an obvious religious tilt, they were vilified and looked down upon. Unless of course the person was Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, or wiccan, then they were a moral authority expert on all things:rolleyes:
You mean a community college?
The outcome of sin (venial/mortal) will still have the same result. Intention playes into personal judgement with God to determine where they get to spend eternity. Until man is making peace with his creator, he is left to make peace with his fellow brother here and now. In my example (provided in the Bible by leveticus : venial sin of a careless carpenter) the families grieving relatives needed intervention with their grief and asked for a judge to allow a way for justice (here and now). His ruling was exile to protect the carpenter (from hurt relatives & friends).

Blogger, pianistclare, explained personal intentions relating to sin very well. To understand stand sin, yes, we need to study these roles (intent & outcome) together. God already has it figured out, we are forming our conscience when we consider these to stive to be more pleasing to God.

In your example, yes God is hurt by all sin equally. His mercy and judgement with each of us is a gift. We can recieve this gift here & now in confession … And our final judgement. Idk about you, but I like the here and now to make peace with my creator … For what is in my thoughts, deeds, what I have done, and what I have failed to do (the confessor prayer)
Mortal and Venial sins are NOT equal.

Mortal sins separate you from God.
Venial sins do not separate you from God.
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