Why does God even forgive the worse of sinners?

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Society does not. The natural world does not. There are consequences for all of our actions. It is easy to think just because we do not commit the very serious sins, that we are good people. What about the evil people, the racists, the rapists, the thieves, do they still deserve kindness and respect? Most of us choose to isolate ourselves from them FOR GOOD REASONS, THEY WILL SCREW YOU OVER NO MATTER WHAT. I just do not understand how or why God would forgive them.
What I am hearing from this post is, “I have been hurt & do not forgive ____________”. Teach me to forgive without getting hurt again so I can imitate God." Am I right in echoing back your question?
-God loves good. God doesn’t love evil.

-God loves all people, and floods the face of the earth with the Blood and Water that flows from Jesus.

…All people are good.
And I’m sure we all struggle at times with questions similar to the OP.

Keep Jesus in your hearts.
-God loves good. God doesn’t love evil.

-God loves all people, and floods the face of the earth with the Blood and Water that flows from Jesus.

…All people are good.
All people are CREATED good…
Mortal and Venial sins are NOT equal.

Mortal sins separate you from God.
Venial sins do not separate you from God.
Mortal and venial sins are equal in the outcome; all sin leads to death. You are only considering the view of moral and venial sin from an individuals circumstance. Yes, moral sin does separate an INDIVIDUAL from God while venial does NOT separate an individual from God. However, we must remember we are called to be a communion of saints; thereby we need to consider how sin ripples through our community of saints. When one is Hirt by sin (venial or mortal) justice is medicinal for the person/groups hurt. Yes, the Sacrament of Reconcilliation repairs us to God; but we are still called to learn how to avoid sin (venial and mortal).
I am one of those “worst of sinners” and if God doesn’t want to deal with me now, then i allow anyone to else to if they wish. I have no use for this world and never wanted in it from the start, anyway.

I wonder how St. Paul would have been treated by “some” today, prior to his Encounter with Jesus?
I am one of those “worst of sinners” and if God doesn’t want to deal with me now, then i allow anyone to else to if they wish. I have no use for this world and never wanted in it from the start, anyway.
It is very hard to believe that **as a child **you made up your mind you didn’t want to live… :eek:
I felt i was not as popular and also that i could not fit in.

What i meant was, that i now think that i may not have wanted to live when i look back and it became more apparent as i grew older…and i still don’t, but am too cowardly most times to do anything significant…My self-worth was not there and i was not and still aint good at anything…I thought once, when i was 13 or so, that eating lead from a pencil would harm me…so i ate some…only once mind you…lol

If am to believe in God, i would also believe that not all are meant for this world…Indeed, some, who commit certain sins aren’t, or at least, not wanted by others. These are just my personal views obviously…I allow God to tell me otherwise, if He wishes to…I am not sure if God is really there and i dont know why i pray…I don’t really want to pray sometimes …sometimes through laziness …Other times, the most times, I don’t want to pray when i know i have to imagine saying sorry for my daily terrible thoughts and rants…when i do pray, (if you want to call my feeble attempts praying) i just cry like fool…And beg Him to help me believe.

I felt i was not as popular and also that i could not fit in.

What i meant was, that i now think that i may not have wanted to live when i look back and it became more apparent as i grew older…and i still don’t, but am too cowardly most times to do anything significant…My self-worth was not there and i was not and still aint good at anything…I thought once, when i was 13 or so, that eating lead from a pencil would harm me…so i ate some…only once mind you…lol

If am to believe in God, i would also believe that not all are meant for this world…Indeed, some, who commit certain sins aren’t, or at least, not wanted by others. These are just my personal views obviously…I allow God to tell me otherwise, if He wishes to…I am not sure if God is really there and i dont know why i pray…I don’t really want to pray sometimes …sometimes through laziness …Other times, the most times, I don’t want to pray when i know i have to imagine saying sorry for my daily terrible thoughts and rants…when i do pray, (if you want to call my feeble attempts praying) i just cry like fool…And beg Him to help me believe.

I sympathise with your feelings, Simon, and understand your doubts because I had a very deprived and lonely childhood although my mother did her utmost for my brother and me. I was staying away from school and getting bad marks until the headmaster called us to his office. Then I realised it is up to us to do the best we can because we alone are responsible for what we make of the opportunities we have.

You are good at expressing yourself and obviously underestimate what you can do. If you think positively I’m sure your life will change. Perhaps you lead an isolated life and need more contact with others even if it’s only when you go shopping and are outside. The very fact that you pray is an immense advantage. At least you’re not a dogmatic materialist who regards everything as valueless and purposeless. My prayers have been answered so many times I know yours will be too.

God bless you.
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