Why does God not provide family and protection?

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My children and I came to the Church while trying to escape an physically abusive husband (marriage annulled). We have not been given the help that we need or family either. Why does God not help us?
First you have to help yourself by reporting to the proper authority regarding your abusive husband. Pray to God to give you the courage and strength to overcome your difficulties (not pray to God to overcome your husband).
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Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years, we got to have trust in God even through our struggles. Surely he promises victory if we love him and have faith in him.
I pray God gives you strength to get through this, and He does know your situation. Try googling for shelters for victims of abuse in your area.

Not sure every Catholic Church has the means to fully help for your situation. There’s so many needs and not enough helpers for all situations.

Try here:

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What help is it you need?
Housing, or a job, or what?
Catholic Churches typically would refer a case like this to a civil authority. From a legal and practical standpoint, the parish church itself is not equipped to offer help in a situation like this. Doing so could create a lot of risks and dangers for you, your family, the church staff and the other parishioners.

If your church did not properly refer you to an appropriate police authority, family shelter, or other resources, then I’m sorry for that, it is a problem with the system. But please understand that the focus of your church is on your spiritual needs, not on getting involved in your family disputes or helping in a domestic violence situation. A church can’t help with every single thing that might come up in its parishioners’ lives.

Really as the other person said you should be reporting this situation to the appropriate civil authority such as the police. Also if there is an agency or a nonprofit in your town that helps victims of domestic violence then you should contact them to get help with this situation. These organizations should have the knowledge and resources to be able to help you. The Church doesn’t have such knowledge or resources.
I called the police they took pictures and did nothing. I reported physical abuse when I was pregnant. I called the police when he beat me with his black berry in his fist…and the times he restricted me by my neck with his arm or hand…and other times…the police did nothing. He was over 250 lbs and 6’ I was maybe 130 lbs and a little over 5’…Fighting back is not an options…I had no chance of defending myself.
We need legal assistance and supportive friends and family. Attorneies have taken advantage of our situation. The most recent case our visitation was reduced and based on our religious beliefs…that is supposed to be unconstitutional but freedom is only available to those who can afford it.
I have called that line…they do not have assistance for us. If u can get through.
Then I would see if you have a local shelter in your area or a local resource to call.
Most places have one or more local domestic violence shelters.
Also sometimes there are legal assistance clinics available, but please understand that you are not guaranteed a particular legal outcome that you want.
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If you have a Catholic Charities in your area, go there. If you see places with the words “Safe House,” you can go inside and they will help you. If you know of a homeless shelter in your area, you can go there. But you’ve got to let people know you need help.

You say you called the police several times about your abusive husband. Did you press charges against him? If not, the police can’t do anything. You’ve got to do more than call them. You have to press charges too. They have to have it documented.

Then you call a neighbor, a family member, someone you trust, pack a few belongings for yourself and your children and you leave right away. Stay in a hotel overnight if you have to. But do not tell your husband where you’re going or staying.
It is going to be difficult for us to give a concrete answer to your question since it is a personal situation. I can only encourage you to look into more resources for domestic abuse survivors. A internet search will yield many websites from advocacy groups with large amounts of resources. I would also encourage you to call your diocese and see if they can help. You local law enforcement agencies also can direct you to resources. Since I don’t know what your situation is, and I am not saying you should tell us since we are random people on the internet, it is difficult to know what kind of resources you may need.
Catholic charity had referrals to no one who would help us. Most of the time no one said I could press charges and otherwise I did not know how to press charges. Finally when I did figure out that I could make a citizens complaint at municipal court all they did was give him anger management. And civil court did not care. And now it’s too late to press charges on the other times of abuse. Why did no one tell me that I could press charges or how to do that when it happened?

I didnt have family. I did not grow up with a mom and lived with foster families the last couple of years of high school. What family would I call? I did not know my neighbors…this is Texas, we fence our backyards. I am very friendly but most of my neighbors it took a long time to get to know and even then I don’t think they would have helped us.

We are in a home for now but we don’t have any support and we need help but there is none.
How do you expect God to help you? I would also like to know. What is your expectation; what do you expect to happen that didn’t?
The most recent case our visitation was reduced and based on our religious beliefs…that is supposed to be unconstitutional but freedom is only available to those who can afford it
Can you explain this a little more? I suspect you’re misunderstanding something here.
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