Try asking people you know about lawyers. Lawyers get on lists without any vetting, so personal recommendations are a better way of finding a good one.
Are you working? Ask people at work. Even a married person might say that he or she knows someone who divorced and was happy with their lawyer.
The police should still have the records of when they visited you and the pictures they took. Ask them for copies.if you ever saw a doctor, get those records too.
In Texas, seems to be a state-wide organization with information about local help.
I knew someone who worked with foster teens, and she said one of the biggest problems was they were simply moved out into the world without any help or resources, where teens from families generally had education and transitional education (like how to manage a checking account), as well as a support and a home base, iow, resources to fall back on.
I am sorry you didn’t get those things.
One thing that is important: it is necessary sometimes to be rude and pushy to get what you need for yourself and your children. You call someone and they can’t help you, so ask if they can suggest someone else to call. Ask if their supervisor knows.
Be a pain in the neck, because no one else will do that for you.
Also, sign up for therapy for you and your children. Catholic Charities will do this on a sliding scale (a real one), and dioceses are starting to have it available in different places, not just near the cathedral. If not thru CC, check out other places. This will be very helpful for you and your children.