Why does God not provide family and protection?

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Again, I never asked for any but if someone wanted too they could. I have given advise to others in areas that God has graced me with wisdom or knowledge, these I share with others.
Even if they are public, this isn’t a forum for legal advice or for people to be reading through your case docket and trying to figure out what is going on.

You don’t seem to understand the points that people are trying to politely make about some of your requests seeming to be inappropriate for this type of forum.

I will pray for you and your family. God bless.
There is nothing in the guidelines that says people cannot give whatever advise they would like. And I did not request legal help…you clearly are off topic. Given that you accuse me of requesting legal advice and clearly I have not makes me wonder about what issues you are facing. Could you please kindly just not respond to any of my threads? Past, present or future. If you feel like you do have something helpful and not accusative to say, feel free to message me instead.

God bless.
Some Diocese do help victims of abuse…but good job making an flimsy excuse not too…as if the Church has not faced much worse cases from the beginning. I am opening a new thread in lue of your remark … where are the Church’s super heroes?
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The most recent case our visitation was reduced and based on our religious beliefs…that is supposed to be unconstitutional but freedom is only available to those who can afford it.
Contact the ACLU and the Thomas More Society. They intercede when there is religious persecution. Gather all of your documentation, particularly where the court stated your visitation was reduced based on your religious beliefs.
: … ( I did. St Thomas More said that they only help in criminal cases and they give referrals and I don’t recall ever getting a response from ACLU. You only get 30 days to appeal any how.
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This is a discussion forum. When you open a discussion, people are free to respond, and you do not have a right to tell people to not post in your thread. If their post violates TOS you can flag it, but otherwise, the discussion is open.

To be honest, I am beginning to wonder about the number of unreasonable responses you are making here given that people generally have tried to help you.
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My saying that the Church is not equipped to rush in and intervene in an abuse situation is common sense. It has nothing to do with priests being or not being “superheroes”.
If you have a problem with someone acting violent towards you, you call the police. You don’t call the priest to run down there with a gun.
I understand you are frustrated, but please be reasonable in your discussion.
Tisbear has been nothing but kind to you, as have everyone else. You are getting personally offended by her posts without justification. She is not off-topic at all–she gave you good advice. You should try and listen to what everyone is telling you.

We have offered you good advice, and without being with you there in person, in real life, there’s not much more that we can do except pray for you. Your situation sounds remarkably unusual, but we cannot and should not be prying into your public legal records. That is a very unwise thing to suggest since we are just strangers on the internet.

I’m not sure how you expect the Church to provide you with a family. Everyone is part of the same spiritual family and I’m sure your church will do what they can to help you, but you seem to be making some large expectations of them. Though I would agree that probably most churches could do a much better job of taking care of women and children who need help.

I hope you keep knocking on doors at the local social services till you can find a good affordable or pro-bono lawyer or at least get some good legal advice from a professional. Go back and talk to the cops again. I hope you find some help for all this.
I did call the police and I did not ask for a priest to run down here to help…
Legal Aid can help you. My neighbor had no money for an attorney and she went to them for help.

Also, if you can’t afford an attorney, you can request the court provide one for you.

Your religious beliefs shouldn’t play into this at all. Now if you were Catholic living in an anti-Christian country, the objections to you practicing your Catholic faith and teaching it to your children might be an issue. But here in America, no. If your husband is using your chosen religion against you, there is something else going on that you aren’t being told. You need to find out what it is even if you have to use a public defender to do it.
She is repeatedly off topic. I have appreciated the good advise. Public is public for a reason…otherwise it would be called Private records. They are free to the public if they are interested.
Though I would agree that probably most churches could do a much better job of taking care of women and children who need help.
Hey something helpful, thank you.

I don’t know what a local social service is, what is that?
Every town or city should have some social services, a place that helps with these issues. They help with welfare, food pantries, counseling, career advice, job fairs, domestic and elder abuse, and so on.

If you don’t know where yours is located, go to City Hall and ask for help and locations. Also, googling your city and social services should help you find it.
Also, if you can’t afford an attorney, you can request the court provide one for you.
She’s not a criminal defendant, she doesn’t have a right to an attorney from the public defenders office. The court might still be able to point her in the direction of an attorney who would take it pro bono, though.

None of this adds up. Either OP is confused about what’s going on, or there’s a lot she isn’t telling us.
Call 2-1-1 and tell them what city you live in. They will find the help you need. It will be help from any church or agency. This is a free service in the state of Texas.
One way or another, none of us here can assist the OP with whatever she is asking for, unless it is just a listening ear. This is a forum for Catholic questions and answers, not a crisis help line. We do not know her situation and, of course, are getting only her side so no judgements can be made. This entire thread should be deleted.
Because what you’re saying was said in court would never be said on the record in an American court. I’m not saying you’re deliberately lying, but I do think what you think happened and what actually happened are very different.

That said, no one here can provide the help you need, so I’m just going to wish you luck and let this one go.
Just because you don’t have good advice does not mean others do not. We are a Catholic family in America today and the category is Catholic living…
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