Why doesn’t God just not create the bad people to keep them from going to hell. This seems to be an on going saga.
Jimmy Stewart starred in a movie called “It’s a wonderful life”. In it he becomes very discouraged since he feels he has made some bad decisions which have hurt other people. And there is a scene where he is looking down at the black water from a bridge about ready to take the jump and end it. But an angel appears and starts talking to him about all the good he has done for others. Then there are playbacks of his life showing the good he did to others. Then he realizes that if he had not lived that those other folk would have been hurt in serious ways, and he saw that he did make a difference in their lives.
The point of the story is that everyone makes mistakes but still everyone contributes something to someone else being a better person or having a better life.
And there is also the other side of this coin, that everyone can also be a bad influence as well and lead people down hill.
It may be true that there are a few really good people in the world, and that there a few really bad people in the world, but most are a combination of good and bad. All we have to do to see this truth is to look at oneself honestly.
And every time a bad deed is done, it adversely affects others in a bad way. Even if it is done in secret, it affects us adversely which in turn later affects others. For example we get into a rotten mood, it is going to be felt by those around us. This too can lead others to respond to us in a very bad way which can cause all sorts of bad stuff to happen.
So we lead people to heaven or hell, in a great way or taking short steps, but enveriably we do.
So if God did not create a person who would go to hell, the good in that person would be missed which might be necessary for someone else to go to heaven. So if the latter person were not created then the good someone else would need from them to go to heaven then this person could not be created. And so on down this chain for billions of people.
Now God would be in quite a delema if he eliminated from birth everyone who influences others in a bad way. For very few would be left to create, if any. Why I say “if any” is because of Adam and Eve had all the advantages and yet failed. So if God chose this path, would we have ever been created?
It may be easy to say, “God could easily not create anyone going to hell”, but then in looking at this in practical realistic terms, it would be a contradiction in terms to create and not create because of so many conditions and variables. In the end it might come down to 10 people needed if one person is to go to heaven while 7 of these couldn’t possibly created because of people before them being eliminated.
And there are other conditions as well, such as other types of dependencies as parenthood, where a parent might be eliminated, and so the whole future family would be eliminated, which could eliminate millions down the line.
Another condition to consider is population, a smaller one would also influence a person one way or another in jobs, housing, farms, industry, …
Sounds easy to say that God should “just do it”, but … what’s your verdict or consideration?
Praise be to Jesus Christ.
Jimmy Stewart starred in a movie called “It’s a wonderful life”. In it he becomes very discouraged since he feels he has made some bad decisions which have hurt other people. And there is a scene where he is looking down at the black water from a bridge about ready to take the jump and end it. But an angel appears and starts talking to him about all the good he has done for others. Then there are playbacks of his life showing the good he did to others. Then he realizes that if he had not lived that those other folk would have been hurt in serious ways, and he saw that he did make a difference in their lives.
The point of the story is that everyone makes mistakes but still everyone contributes something to someone else being a better person or having a better life.
And there is also the other side of this coin, that everyone can also be a bad influence as well and lead people down hill.
It may be true that there are a few really good people in the world, and that there a few really bad people in the world, but most are a combination of good and bad. All we have to do to see this truth is to look at oneself honestly.
And every time a bad deed is done, it adversely affects others in a bad way. Even if it is done in secret, it affects us adversely which in turn later affects others. For example we get into a rotten mood, it is going to be felt by those around us. This too can lead others to respond to us in a very bad way which can cause all sorts of bad stuff to happen.
So we lead people to heaven or hell, in a great way or taking short steps, but enveriably we do.
So if God did not create a person who would go to hell, the good in that person would be missed which might be necessary for someone else to go to heaven. So if the latter person were not created then the good someone else would need from them to go to heaven then this person could not be created. And so on down this chain for billions of people.
Now God would be in quite a delema if he eliminated from birth everyone who influences others in a bad way. For very few would be left to create, if any. Why I say “if any” is because of Adam and Eve had all the advantages and yet failed. So if God chose this path, would we have ever been created?
It may be easy to say, “God could easily not create anyone going to hell”, but then in looking at this in practical realistic terms, it would be a contradiction in terms to create and not create because of so many conditions and variables. In the end it might come down to 10 people needed if one person is to go to heaven while 7 of these couldn’t possibly created because of people before them being eliminated.
And there are other conditions as well, such as other types of dependencies as parenthood, where a parent might be eliminated, and so the whole future family would be eliminated, which could eliminate millions down the line.
Another condition to consider is population, a smaller one would also influence a person one way or another in jobs, housing, farms, industry, …
Sounds easy to say that God should “just do it”, but … what’s your verdict or consideration?
Praise be to Jesus Christ.